Author - Justin Hilton

Justin Hilton is from Virginia Beach, VA and has lived almost full time in Israel since 2016. He works for HaYovel and The Israel Guys as Studio Producer and Content Manager. He is also an article author, photographer and customer support representative. Once a week, he hosts a show on The Israel Guys network.

Is Netanyahu Caving to the Protesters?

On Saturday night, March 25th, Israel’s Defense Minister Yoav Gallant made a speech calling on Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to halt the judicial reforms until a compromise could be reached.  He said, “In the past few weeks, something has...

Is Israel Going to Annex Judea and Samaria?

When the Religious Zionism and Otzma Yehudit parties signed an agreement with Benjamin Netanyahu to form a new government in the Knesset, they had many conditions for joining. Some of the key conditions that they laid out are now being fulfilled by...

The UN Just Took Its Israel Hatred to the Next Level

This past Wednesday, November 30th, the United Nations proved to the world that they stand against the promises of God by voting in favor of holding a commemorative event to honor the “catastrophe” of the founding of the State of Israel. Every year...

The Nations Are Back

Over two years ago, our volunteer operations in Israel came to a sudden halt when COVID-19 struck and Israel closed its doors to international travel. For many months, about half of our staff team was stuck in the United States and we had no way of...

Smuggling Attempts on the Jordanian Border

Israeli security forces examine illegal weapons confiscated from smugglers Recently, IDF observation soldiers spotted a suspect along the Jordanian border. IDF troops were dispatched to the scene and apprehended the suspect, who was carrying ten...

IDF Officer Killed by Friendly Fire

IDF Staff Sergeant Natan Fitoussi was tragically killed by friendly fire on August 15, 2022 An IDF officer was tragically killed by friendly fire on Monday evening near the town of Tulkarem in Samaria. A preliminary investigation of the incident...

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