Author - Justin Hilton

Justin Hilton is from Virginia Beach, VA and has lived almost full time in Israel since 2016. He works for HaYovel and The Israel Guys as Studio Producer and Content Manager. He is also an article author, photographer and customer support representative. Once a week, he hosts a show on The Israel Guys network.

8 Jews Shot in a Terror Attack at the Western Wall

The Western Wall plaza in Jerusalem (October 2017) Terror attack near the Western Wall Saturday night A terror attack happened near the Old City of Jerusalem on Saturday night when a terrorist opened fire in the direction of a bus stop, injuring...

Israel’s Humane Fighting Tactics

Israel has been carrying out precise strikes and taking out terrorists and terrorist leaders in the Gaza Strip, some of whom were on their way to carry out terror attacks. In response, the Palestinian Islamic Jihad has launched 1,100 rockets at...

This is What the IDF Has Been Doing

Tuesday morning’s counterterrorism operation A counterterrorism unit operated in Nablus, surrounding the home of terrorist Ibrahim al-Nablusi for the purpose of arresting him. The forces called to al-Nablusi to turn himself in, but he...

This Council Hates Israel

In May of 2021, after the eleven-day conflict between Israel and the Hamas terrorists in Gaza, the United Nations formed a “Commision of Inquiry” to be solely focused on Israel and to root out “systematic discrimination and repression.” The...

The Birth of a Movement in Israel

In a recent interview with Arutz Sheva, former envoy Jason Greenblatt said that Biden’s views on Jerusalem were actually inconsistent with U.S. law. A new poll here in Israel gives us an update on what elections might look like in November. A...

They All Blamed Israel for Her Death

On May 11th, 2022, Al-Jazeera journalist, Shireen Abu-Akleh, was tragically killed during a firefight between IDF soldiers and Palestinian gunmen in the Arab town of Jenin. Since then, the world has done nothing but condemn Israel for the reporter’s...

Trump Slams Israel and Curses Netanyahu

Donald Trump’s Accomplishments for Israel First of all, let’s look at some of the amazing things that former President Donald Trump did for Israel.  He recognized Israel’s sovereignty in the Golan HeightsHe recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s...

A Look Back at 2021 in Israel

We made it! Thanks to you we have reached our goal!  We want to give a BIG THANK YOU to every one of you who gave to our end of the year fundraising campaign. Because of YOU we are poised and ready to enter 2022 stronger than...

Why Teach Your Kids to Hate?

On Wednesday morning, December 8th, a fifteen-year-old Arab girl crept up behind a Jewish mother walking to school with her children, and stabbed her in the back with a knife. The husband of the woman who was injured, Dvir Cohen, was on reserve duty...

Fighting for a Homeland

On the 104th anniversary of the Balfour Declaration, Palestinians all over the country lowered their flags to half-mast, treating this historic day as a tragedy. The Palestinians don’t only want the Balfour Declaration reversed, but are calling for...

Will the New U.S. Ambassador do the Right Thing?

It’s true. President Joe Biden has finally appointed a United States ambassador to Israel. Thomas Nides, the newly-appointed ambassador, was the deputy Secretary of State 2010-2013.  During this time, he formed relationships with several Israeli...

Mike Pompeo Visits the Biblical Heartland

Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo visited Shiloh and the Psagot Winery this past Sunday. This visit was even more significant than last time. His first stop was the Psagot Winery just a few minutes outside of Jerusalem and not very far into the...

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