Australia Cancels Its Recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s Capital

This last week, Australia’s government made some very controversial statements in regards to Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. 

On Monday, the Guardian reported that Australia had “Quietly dropped its recognition of the west part of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel,” despite the decision adopted by Scott Morrison’s government after the US embassy was moved from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.

According to this same report, the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade removed two sentences from their official website:

“Consistent with this long standing policy, in December 2018, Australia recognized West Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, being the seat of the Knesset and many of the institutions of the Israeli government.”

“Australia looks forward to moving its embassy to West Jerusalem when practical, in support of, and after the final status determination of, a two-state solution.”

The day after this report came out, Australian Foreign Minister, Penny Wong, said that the status of Jerusalem must be decided through peace talks between Israel and the Palestinians instead of unilateral decisions: 

“We will not support an approach that undermines a two-state solution, Australia’s embassy has always been, and remains, in Tel Aviv.”

“I know this has caused conflict and distress in part of the Australian community, and today the government seeks to resolve that.” 

Australia has basically given Israel a slap in the face. They are essentially trying to tell Israel that Jerusalem is not their undivided capital.

Israel’s Foreign Ministry immediately blasted the decision and called out Australia’s ambassador to Israel. 

The mayor of Jerusalem, Moshe Lion, said he was saddened by the decision. He said, “The united city of Jerusalem was and will continue to be the capital of Israel forever. Declarations like this do not advance anything, and are of no benefit.” 

Israel’s Prime Minister, Yair Lapid, said in response:

“Given the way Australia reached its decision, as a rushed response to a false media report, we can only hope that the Australian government is more serious in other matters. Jerusalem is the eternal capital of Israel and nothing will ever change that.” The last statement made by Yair Lapid is 100% true: nothing will ever change the fact that God gave Jerusalem to the Jewish people as the capital of Israel.”

Australia has really shown their true colors of what they think about Jerusalem. The question is, does it matter what they say about the eternal capital of Israel? The answer is yes and no. Yes, because Zechariah in the Bible says that the nations that come against Jerusalem will be judged. No, because Australia refusing to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel does not change the fact that God has chosen it as His special city. 

2 Chronicles 6:6 says, “Yet I have chosen Jerusalem, that My name may be there, and I have chosen David to be over My people Israel.” 

Psalm 132:13-14 says, “For the LORD has chosen Zion; He has desired it for His dwelling place: ‘This is My resting place forever; Here I will dwell, for I have desired it.'” 

It is very clear in the Scriptures that the Lord God Himself has chosen Jerusalem for Himself and for His people Israel. It doesn’t matter what any of the nations of the world try to say, Jerusalem is the eternal capital of Israel and will always remain so. 

Justin Hilton

Justin Hilton is from Virginia Beach, VA and has lived almost full time in Israel since 2016. He works for HaYovel and The Israel Guys as Studio Producer and Content Manager. He is also an article author, photographer and customer support representative. Once a week, he hosts a show on The Israel Guys network.

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  • The Lord God is clear in His Word about Jerusalem and Israel. No matter what any world government says, God is Sovereign and Jerusalem will be His throne some day very soon.

  • I once upon a time would have loved to visit Australia but now I have absolutely no desire to go there. I will always align myself with Israel. It’s what the Lord says that’s important, not what man says.

  • Not all Australians agree with what this new left wing Government says. I did not vote for them and never will. I stand with Israel and always have. God says they are his people and l believe that.

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