Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo visited Shiloh and the Psagot Winery this past Sunday. This visit was even more significant than last time.
His first stop was the Psagot Winery just a few minutes outside of Jerusalem and not very far into the so-called “West Bank”. However, he also visited Shiloh, and a very significant place in Israel’s heartland, but not a common stop for cautious politicians and one that requires venturing into the very heart of Samaria. In doing so, Mike Pompeo is essentially stating that it is normal and should be encouraged for visitors to travel to all of Judea and Samaria, because it all rightfully belongs to Israel!
Mike Pompeo made history a few years ago when he came out with a statement that would later become known as the “Pompeo Doctrine”. He declared that Israel’s settlements are not illegal under international law. He was the first world leader to ever boldly proclaim the truth regarding Israel’s biblical heartland.
Pompeo’s Speech at Psagot Winery
Here are a few statements that Mike Pompeo made from the Psagot Winery:
“We made the simple statement that Israel is not an occupying force in Judea and Samaria. This is the rightful homeland for the people of Israel, Judea and Samaria. We recognized that this isn’t an occupying nation, this isn’t an apartheid nation, it is a democracy where faiths can be practiced from all of the Abrahamic traditions.”
“During my first trip here, there were protesters not too far from where we were standing. What they were protesting was a falsehood. What they were protesting is a fantasy. Because we know the reality of this place. We know it is Israel.”
“May the Lord continue to watch over Judea and Samaria and all of Israel.”
Speaking to the Jerusalem Post, Pompeo said:
“Occupation is a legal term whose definition does not apply to the State of Israel under the law.”
It was a pleasure to spend some time with Sec @mikepompeo today in Ancient Shiloh, Israel!
— Mayor Gabriel Groisman (@GabeGroisman) October 10, 2021
Pompeo’s Remarks to Media Sources
The Jerusalem Post afterwards said:
“Pompeo criticized the Biden administration of giving in to a ‘false principle that Israel is an illegal occupier.’”
“He called on Israel to confront that narrative, which he said is the beating heart of modern antisemitism and dubbed the ‘lie of occupation.’”
In an Interview to ILTV, Pompeo said:
“I went to Judea and Samaria today to acknowledge that Israel is not an occupying nation.”
When asked about what his future role would be in standing for Israel, he said:
“You can count on my continued support for the relationship between the United States and Israel. Who knows what role that will be and today I’m here just as an American citizen coming to share my deep and abiding love for this really special place here in Israel. I’ll stay in this fight. It is really important. It’s important for Israel. As an evangelical Christian I love this place. It’s important for the United States and it’s important for the greater Middle East to have a strong relationship between our two democratic nations as well.”
Building Plans for a New Arab Takeover Town in Northern Jerusalem
While Mike Pompeo was boldly speaking out on behalf of Israel, other developments were happening in Jerusalem that are not so good for Israel’s future.
The official launch of the Arab city of Lana just took place this week in east Jerusalem. It is the largest housing development project in East Jerusalem. The name “Lana” means “Ours” in Arabic. The town will be modeled after Rawabi, (the first planned Palestinian city built in the West Bank).
Bashar al-Masri, the founder of Rawabi said:
“Like Rawabi, the new city of Lana would be built for Palestinians of high socio-economic status.”
According to Palestinian reports, Lana will have thousands of housing units, which will no doubt cause major overcrowding issues in an already crowded Jerusalem. The city is being built on the northern edge of Jerusalem and according to the blueprints, 400 of the homes will be built inside Jerusalem municipal grounds. According to reports, Jerusalem’s Planning Infrastructure Administration approved the project in 2019, and now, as of September 2, they issued a construction permit that granted the Palestinians the ability to immediately begin building.

The Backstory Behind the Palestinian City of Rawabi
The master plan of Rawabi envisioned a high tech city with 8,000 housing units, housing a population of 40,000 people. As of 2019, they still had only 4,000 people moved in.
Bashar Masri, the founder of Rawabi and Lana, has a net worth of $1.5 billion as of 2016. Masri was born and raised in Nablus. After leaving Nablus, Masri continued his education in Egypt, before moving to the United States, where he graduated from Virginia Tech with a B.S. in Chemical Engineering in 1983.
What is sad about this whole situation is that Christians in Jerusalem are backing this new building plan. The project is being carried out in cooperation between Al-Masri, the Palestinian officials, and the heads of the churches in Jerusalem.
Responding to These Concerning New Developments
Jerusalem City Council member Yonatan Yosef summed up this whole issue best when he said:
“As a member of the Planning and Building Committee, I am shocked that people who define themselves as Zionists are working against the Zion of the Holy City. I will do my best to thwart the dangerous plan for the future of the Jewish majority in Jerusalem.”
As a supporter of Israel, we have a responsibility to not let things like this happen. Like Mike Pompeo, we need to stand up for the truth and remind Israel of what they really need to do. Do your part by sharing this article with your friends via email and social media.