Author - Peyton Chapman

Peyton Chapman is originally from Amarillo, TX. She works full-time for HaYovel and The Israel Guys as an article author, customer support representative, and in donor relations. Additionally, she serves in various operations on the ground in Israel as needed.

The World Needs to Look Beyond Gaza 

The focal lens of the world is fixed on the evil entity of Hamas in Gaza. This tunnel vision has one extremely dangerous downfall; Hamas is not solely located in Gaza. Hamas’s reach spans far outside of the borders of Israel, but has an especially...

A Deep Dive Into the Idea of a Two-State Solution

“Two-State Solution” is a phrase that’s buzzing in your book club, church circle, workplace, and in nearly every news headline right now. If you consider it at the surface level, it sounds like a fair option that will help end the war in Israel and...

The Time to Fight For “Never Again” Today

A lot of propaganda is circulating the globe concerning Israel. Let’s look at what some of the common myths are, as well as the potential negative effects they could have. “Israel is a Terrorist State”  Rumors are flying that the Israeli...

Fight for Israel in Your Community

As the war with Hamas continues to heighten, Israel is still being labeled as the enemy on the world stage. Israel has suffered immensely with a loss of life that has now reached 1,300+ men, women, and children – the highest number of...

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