Author - Peyton Chapman

Peyton Chapman is originally from Amarillo, TX. She works full-time for HaYovel and The Israel Guys as an article author, customer support representative, and in donor relations. Additionally, she serves in various operations on the ground in Israel as needed.

Evil Triumphs When Bible-Believers Do Nothing

Seeing the evil that is so prevalent in the world right now reminds me of the following quote:  “The only thing necessary for evil to triumph in the world is that good men do nothing.” While the origin of this quote and who said it first are...

How to Do Politics with Terrorist Organizations 101

War is a tricky topic to understand. Many believe that it can be worked through politically, finding a compromise, and then a resolution. Others believe that war can only be resolved through complete victory on one side, and some believe that it’s a...

Why Should You Support Israel?

The world has been torn apart over this question, a question that has large consequences. Many have become extremely passionate about this issue: whether that is a hostile or a loyal passion. It also provokes the following, deeper questions that...

Spending a Day in Kibbutz Be’eri

One of the imperative responsibilities for every individual during this war and the future after its resolution is to witness first-hand the destruction that took place on October 7th in order to be a personal attestor of the reality of what...

Hamas’ Inhumanity Knows No Limits

If there was even a slight assumption that the members of Hamas and those implicit in Hamas’ activities have even an ounce of humanity, recent events confirm that their ideology is massively flawed. Even if one were to entirely base their opinion of...

Who is at Fault for All the Failed Ceasefires?

As the world continues to watch the events of the war with Hamas unfold, many have called for a more permanent solution to help create an environment of “peace” in the Middle East. These same people have blamed this lack of peace on Israel, but is...

What and Who is HAMAS?

As the war with Gaza rages on, many are beginning to ask this question: “Who is Hamas?” The understanding of who this group is and what they stand for vary from crowd to crowd. Are they fighting for the freedom of the Palestinians in the “Occupied...

Women’s Rights Only Apply if You’re Not Jewish

Women’s rights have been one of the primary focuses and debates among the majority of people in recent years. Women have had a long history of being treated as royals and as far from royalty as imaginable. In order to ensure that women are treated...

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