
Author - Tommy Waller

God is Making His Move

It seems the popular answer among Christians when asked if they believe in replacement theology is, “No.” End of discussion. If you ask what replacement theology is, you will get various answers. The simple definition is: “The Christian Church...

From the Holocaust to Restoration

Yesterday marked Yom HaShoah, or Holocaust Remembrance Day in Israel. Today, the heroic faces of the survivors of the most horrendous tragedy in human history are old and worn. The faces that still exist to tell their experiences, sadly will not be...

One Day – Someday, It will all turn around!

Luke asked me at the beginning of this week if it would be possible for me to write something about the attack on the U.S. Capitol. I immediately responded, yes, of course. Like most of you, I felt a deep sense of sadness, anger, and shock. What...

The Resurrection of Hope

For most of the world, this time of the year brings reflection and a resolute purpose for the following year – a determination to do better – to be better to ourselves and others. You are receiving this letter as Israel celebrates...

Should We Listen to the Prophets in Our Bible?

The most glorious sunrise met me when I walked outside this morning. Immediately I was reminded of Jeremiah’s prophecy in chapters 31 and 33, in which God speaks through the prophet, saying, “If My Covenant with day and night can be broken then My...

If Not Now, When?

First of all, I would like to thank President Trump for the many good things he has done for Israel. For decades, we have seen many Presidents, both Democrat and Republican, who, after being given the opportunity, did not have the courage to confirm...

Non-Jews in the New Testament

I am fascinated by the examples in the New Testament of non-Jews as they relate to Yeshua (a Jew) and the Jews who made up the foundation of Christianity.  As we, non-Jews, return to Israel and the Jewish people, we would do well to model our...

Resurgence of Faith

The land and the people of Israel have become personal to me. It may have been, at one point, something superstitious––like a rabbit’s foot that I would keep in my pocket to bring good fortune. After all, every good Christian Zionist knows if you...

Trump’s Peace Plan – the Ultimate Deal?

I want you to know that I am not Jewish or Israeli. I do not have a home in Israel. I am an American Christian who, for the last fourteen years, has worked closely with Israelis who live in Judea and Samaria. I am not anti-Trump. My hope in...

Which Way is Your Church Facing?

I felt inspired to begin this article by posting this cute(?) dog picture. I am not an expert on social media, but after a conversation with my good friend Andy, I learned that if you post a picture of your dog, you can get a lot more likes and...

The Dreams of the Prophets

As children, we dream. We dream about things that, for whatever reason, have been placed in our lives. We may have seen a fireman in uniform on a large fire truck and thought, “I want to be a fireman.” In our youth, we may have been inspired by a...

Will You Work in Your Father’s Vineyard?

Since I first set foot in Israel in May 2004, there has been what felt like an all-out assault on my faith. In reality, as I think back, the war actually began when I found a Passover Haggadah in a homeschooling catalog in 1995 and ordered it. And...

There is a Tree of Life

In my last post I shared my initial exposure to Israel, having grown up, for the most part, ignorant of Israel and the Jewish people’s significant place in my own faith. Later, after completing a Passover Seder, I began to explore the...

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