The UN Advocates for a Peaceful World Without Israel

Why the United Nations is So Anti-Israel
To understand the United Nations, as well as what they stand for, a little history about its purpose and formation must be investigated. It’s mission can be found in one of the points in the first article of the United Nations’ charter:

“To maintain international peace and security, and to that end: to take effective collective measures for the prevention and removal of threats to the peace, and for the suppression of acts of aggression or other breaches of the peace, and to bring about by peaceful means, and in conformity with the principles of justice and international law, adjustment or settlement of international disputes or situations which might lead to a breach of the peace.”

If this statement lays out something that nearly every western-minded person can agree would be beneficial for all of society, why does the UN implement the opposite when it comes to Israel?

The History of the UN and the Power They possess

Essentially, the UN began by nations of the world having been recently devastated by the recent horrors of World War 2. This led the representatives of 50 nations, including China, France, the Soviet Union, the United Kingdom, and the United States, to convene and establish an organization whose intention was to maintain communication and peace between all respective countries and, in turn, prevent a third World War. Even though the UN charter was ratified in October of 1945, there had been previous attempts to unite the world. The predecessor of the UN was the League of Nations, which was established in 1919; other organizations also attempted to promote this same ideology throughout the years, with the first being the International Telecommunication Union in 1865. All of these organizations have since fallen under the far-reaching wing of the UN.

What the United Nations has the power to implement, however, is more confusing to most people. Does the UN have the power to do anything at all? The answer might be more confusing than you think. According to the UN’s website:

“The UN Charter gives the General Assembly the power to initiate studies and make recommendations to promote the development and codification of international law. Many subsidiary bodies of the General Assembly consider specific areas of international law and report to the plenary.”

The actual power they hold is later found in Article 25 of the charter:

“The Members of the United Nations agree to accept and carry out the decisions of the Security Council in accordance with the present Charter.”

It’s important to note that resolutions passed by the UN General Assembly are non-binding. UN Security Council resolutions carry more weight, with some being binding, and others non-binding for member nations. 

Upon its founding, it would make sense that resolutions like these would help to prevent a future world war, but what if it is actually encouraging war and the extermination of the Jews in present times?

The UN Opposes Peace for the Jewish People.

The UN is no exception to the rule when it comes to villainizing the Jewish people whilst giving a free pass to the Palestinians. This blatant antisemitic prejudice has been on display for years, but has increased significantly since the war began on October 7th. Some examples of this prejudice are as follows:

  • The silence on the crimes that were committed against women by Hamas terrorists and Gaza citizens (and are still being committed against the hostages today).
  • The spreading of propaganda accusing Israel of war crimes, despite the IDF being one of the most, if not the most, moral military in the world.
  • The minimal recognition of the war crimes committed by Hamas terrorists and Gaza citizens.
  • The application of arrest warrants for the leaders of terrorist organizations and Israeli government officials at the same time, thus equating the individuals’ character to one another.

These are just some of the many harsh treatments and labels that the UN has placed upon the head of Israel. One of the most recent discriminations against Israel is now related to the ongoing conflict at the Lebanese border. This was Secretary-General António Guterres recent comment:

“Let’s be clear: The people of the region and the people of the world cannot afford Lebanon to become another Gaza.”

This statement reaffirms the false narrative that Israel is a malicious, genocidal power that seeks death and destruction, but the truth remains the same despite misleading depictions; if terrorists attack Israel, and Israelis citizens, with the intention of eradicating them from their native homeland, Israel has the right to defend itself and reciprocate in order to secure the safety and security of all Israel.

The UN Turns a Blind Eye and Assists in the Murder of Jews.

An organization within the UN that readily partners with terrorists and should be designated as a terrorist organization itself is UNRWA (United Nations Relief and Works Agency). UNRWA was specifically formed for Palestinians in the West Bank, Gaza, Lebanon, Syria, and Jordan, and has been a key player in educating the malleable minds of children into hostile, bloodthirsty, Jew-hating terrorists. 

Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant made a claim in February that numerous UNRWA employees have either: participated in the October 7th attacks, are active members of Hamas, or are active members of PIJ (Palestinian Islamic Jihad). During the course of the war, the IDF found evidence of UNRWA workers being involved in acts of violence against the Jewish people on and after October 7th. 

Not only does the United Nations and UNRWA actively participate in the physical murder of the Jewish people, but also in antisemitism on social media by making statements like this:

“From the Nakba — a catastrophe marked by the destruction of Palestinian communities and the displacement of a majority of Palestinians from their homes in 1948—to this day, the Palestinian people have experienced constant dispossession, displacement, and the denial of their human rights.”

For reference, Nakba day is “celebrated” every year on May 15th and commemorates the “dispossession” of the Palestinians following the establishment of the Jewish state on May 14th, 1948. Nakba translates to “catastrophe” in Arabic. This outrightly advocates against the existence of the state of Israel and alludes to the idea that Israel should be completely dismantled. 

What Effect Does This Have on the World?

The UN and its affiliates are known across the world as an organization devoted to maintaining peace and preventing conflicts. In turn, they are considered a reputable and trustworthy organization. The biased hostility and falsities directed toward Israel cause the naive masses to believe that Israel is guilty of all that the UN accuses them of. The UN continues to fan the flames of antisemitism and encourage the dismantling of the sole Jewish state. The UN is one of the largest participants in the social and physical war against Israel and should be recognized as such.

Peyton Chapman

Peyton Chapman is originally from Amarillo, TX. She works full-time for HaYovel and The Israel Guys as an article author, customer support representative, and in donor relations. Additionally, she serves in various operations on the ground in Israel as needed.

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  • I do think that the UN’s bias, and lack of control over some offshoots such as UNRWA deems it not fit for purpose. It’s summation are frequently wayward, I believe, and without doubt it is anti-semitic, and tends to be anti-white. It needs head to toe reform, or closure with a more up to date outfit formed to take its place. Basically it is no longer a ‘sacred cow’ in a rapidly changing world.

  • The UN, what a joke! They should do something about Hamas & the rape of the hostages! Instead, they along with stupid ass Biden want to reward them by giving them a 2 state solution! If I were the leader, I would bomb Gaza off the face of the map! Their religion teaches the to kill Jews & Christians! Only good thing, is God is the judge and that is his piece of land! His judgment will be final & their destiny will be eternal! Jesus is returning soon to rule this demonic world we live in!! We saw what God did to the Turkey PM & RASEE! Come Jesus come!

    • Is Jesus waiting in the wings? This seems to me to be an unfolding murder mystery play, with many twists and turns.

  • How about a long term strategy of
    an Israel/Lebanon coalition…sans Hisbullah…to establish an example-setting standard of
    peace in the Mid East?

  • Very true what you say about the UN. They are anti-semetic to the core and should be dismantled. I see them advertising on TV for money, it makes me so cross. As Christians we should be praying that God dismantles them.

  • The trouble is that the UN has been taken over by Arab Nations that hate Israel

  • I am increasingly amazed at the idea that there is, and ever was, a Palestinian nation. History plainly shows, if you look at actual history, instead of made-up history, that the land belongs to Israel, and that Palestine is never mentioned in the bible, and indeed never existed. More must be done to educate people, especially in the United States of America, as to the fact that Israel existed long before the U.S and many other nations of the world. The United Nations has long since served it’s purpose and must be de-organized. They have perverted the ideals for which they were established. After destroying Israel, their next step, which they are implementing already, is to disarm all citizens of the world. This will be a castrophe of great dimensions. An unarmed citizenry is an enslaved citizenry.

  • The persecution and genocide of Jews continues. This latest round goes back at least to 1941 when the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem established an alliance with Hitler that looked foward to the destruction of Israel once the Nazis had defeated Russia and were in position to move militarily into Palestine. Israel is still surrounded by its opponents in the 6-day war (Egypt, Syria and Jordan). There is land enough for all in the desert; for that matter Syria and Jordan could provide a “homeland” for the “Palestinians” if they wanted not the annihilation of Israel but a stable peace. They do not want that; their policy is destruction of Israel and for that reason continue to support Hamas even after 10/7/23.

  • How many islamic states are in the UN? They must influence the agenda, in a negative way, particularly in the case of UNRWA, which is controlled by Hamas.

  • Before the formation of the UN, the largest world wide threat to civilised life in the twentieth century came from Nazi-ruled Germany and began violently in 1939 with the attack on Poland. Opposition to that attack came from the European democracies, joined later by the US. To begin with, the Communist USSR shared in Germany’s attack on Poland, but were then attacked themselves by Germany. The Democracies left resisting Nazi Germany and the US then formed a military alliance with the USSR against Nazi Germany
    In 1945, when the war was going disastrously for Nazi Germany, some Nazi leaders sought to end the war with a cease fire. The alliance said No and said only conditional total surrender would do. Germany surrendered unconditionally, and began a programme of total denazification of German life.
    An over riding aim of Nazi Germany was to obliterate Jewish life where ever they ruled by exterminating Jews to the last one. Jews in these areas had no organised power to fight against implementation of that aim and even if they had, Jews surrendering to Nazis meant death – by hanging, gassing or shooting which ever best fitted the convenience of the Nazis
    With regard to Gaza —- anti-Semite Hamas [the Nazis] cannot possibly be allowed the dignity of surrender and survival of the ruling power. Talk of cease-fire between Hamas [the Nazis] and Israel [the Jews] is ridiculous [in pantomime terms , utterly laughable.] What is needed is de-Hamasification [de-nazification]. Anything less is victory for anti Semites in Gaza and in the the many other places they exist.

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