Israel’s New Government May Be The Best Thing the Country Has Seen in Decades

Since taking office two weeks ago, Israel’s new governing coalition has been making waves. Many inside Israel and around the world are decrying the cabinet as the beginning of the end of Israel’s democracy. 

One of their main dissatisfactions is the judicial reform legislation that Israel’s cabinet has put forward. Among other things, these reforms will add checks and balances to the Supreme Court, which for decades has ruled in what can only be described as the opposite of democracy. Among other things, new justices are basically appointed by the current sitting justices and the court can veto any legislation from the Knesset that they deem necessary. 

While the attention from the liberal left has been focused on Israel’s judicial reform efforts, there are even more (some would call them) drastic measures being enacted by the new government which are monumental, but perhaps have failed to capture as much media attention. 

This week, MK Yuli Edelstein, the chair of the Knesset’s Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee, met with US Ambassador to Israel Thomas Nides, and told him in no uncertain terms that construction in Judea and Samaria must continue, despite objections from the US administration. 

Speaking about his meeting, Edelstein said: “I expressed to the ambassador my clear position regarding the need for construction in the areas of settlement in Judea and Samaria”. 

“The families there are developing and it’s impossible to put their lives on hold. Construction should continue”.

Since Thomas Nides has made it clear to Israel that the US wholeheartedly supports the enactment of a two-state solution, and that the US is opposed to “legalizing outposts and massive settlement expansion”, this is a bold position from Yuli Edelstein. 

Also this week, Finance Minister Betzalel Smotrich met with Defense Minister Yoav Gallant and the head of the Coordinator for Government Activities in the Territories (COGAT), in order to organize their respective responsibilities. In addition to being finance minister, Smotrich has also been tasked as a minister in the Defense Ministry, with direct management and oversight for the Civil Administration. To date, the Civil Administration has been in charge of all construction in Area C, as well as the handling of other bureaucratic affairs. Moving forward, Smotrich will take charge of the Civil Administration, which means that he will be responsible for all construction in Area C.

Betzalel Smotrich lives in Kedumim, a Jewish settlement in the heart of Samaria. Yuli Edelstein has long lived in Gush Etzion, which is in Judea, just south of Jerusalem. Both men are public and ardent supporters of the Jewish people’s right to live and settle in their Biblical Heartland, Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria. 

Israel’s Heartland has long been either the last on the government’s list for development and infrastructure, or the target of opposition, both inside Israel and in the international community. Now, it appears that the new government will be prioritizing development in these areas, and senior members have already shown themselves willing to stand up to international pressure against the settlements of Judea and Samaria. 

Now more than ever, we should pray for the peace of Jerusalem, and pray that Israel’s new government will stand strong against the mounting anti-semitic pressure they are facing, and make good decisions for the entire land and people of Israel. 

Luke Hilton

Originally from Virginia Beach, VA, Luke discovered his passion for Israel at age of 16. Since then, he's shared the story of Israel's restoration across the globe through speaking tours, films, and articles, inspiring Christian Zionists to stand in support of Israel.

Luke is based out of Israel, serves as Director of Marketing for HaYovel and is an author and show host for The Israel Guys.

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  • The US citizens do not want Israel divided. This government that we have is going against even our own Constitution. Israel is God’s Country. God Bless Israel !!!

  • This administration is “pro-Palestine” and Biden, Kerry and most of the Democrats favor separating Israel. THIS IS WRONG! This land was given to them by God. They have fought for generations for this land. They have made a fertile valley where it was desert from this land. They have suffered by Palestine’s, Egyptians, Syrians, Lebanese…and fought and fought for the land. Israel is a GREAT nation. It should be proud of its root. Jerusalem should NEVER, NEVER be divided nor the land itself. I don’t support this current administration and those of us who love Israel and the United States will support Israel. Israel, please fight on, please continue to show the world what i “right” and “Just”. America, with this administration, has lost its way and it not good for Americans or Israelis. Remember the Holocaust, remember the pogroms, remember this is your land!

  • The Left is in total panic.

    They couldn’t make it into parliament so they use the media, the judicial system and demonstrations to scare the public that our democracy is in danger.

    The only danger to democracy in Israel is the delusional Left.

  • Many people in Europe and the USA think the “Westbank”is Palestinian area 100%,they donot know,cause the media choose not to enlighten the readers,the westbank has zones and is for large areas under Israeli gouvernment.So the decision to build is OK.I am praying Samaria and Judea will get 100% Israeli government.In Gaza they want to come back under Israeli gouvernment.May the LORD let it happen.

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