The Enemies of Israel Have Raised Their Ugly Heads Again

When the Israeli military set out to capture two wanted terrorists in the Arab city of Jenin on Monday, June 19th of this week, they likely thought that it would be a routine mission. After coming under heavy fire, (not unusual, considering that Jenin is one of the most volatile Palestinian Arab cities in Judea and Samaria), they apprehended the terrorists, and were on their way out of the city. That’s when an IED exploded next to their convoy, and eight IDF soldiers and border police officers were wounded, and as a result, were stranded in the city. 

After the rescue helicopter came under fire while extracting the wounded soldiers, Israel was forced to launch an Apache attack helicopter (something they haven’t done in more than twenty years), which, after arriving on scene, opened fire on a nearby rooftop which contained a large group of terrorists who were firing on the rescue party. Thankfully, the threats were neutralized and the rescue mission was safely completed. The injured soldiers, four of whom were moderately wounded and four lightly, are all currently undergoing treatment in Israeli hospitals. 

Horrific Terrorist Attack in Samaria Left Four Dead

The next day, on Tuesday, June 20th, two Palestinian Arab terrorists opened fire at the Eli Junction in central Samaria. The attack was possibly a retaliation for the IDF operation in Jenin the day before. Four Israelis, Nachman Mordoff and Elisha Anteman, both 17 years old, 21-year-old Harel Masood and 64-year-old Ofer Fayerman were all tragically killed. 

The Eli Junction and gas station is just off of Highway 60, and only two minutes north of Shiloh, and is located below the Jewish town of Eli. Two Arab terrorists approached a restaurant called Hummus Eliyahu, behind the gas station, and opened fire. After shooting multiple rounds, they then ran to the gas station and continued shooting. One of them was neutralized by an armed Israeli civilian, and the other fled in a vehicle. He was neutralized several hours later by the IDF after a large-scale manhunt. 

Several hours after the horrific attack which left these four Israelis dead, US Ambassador Thomas Nides tweeted the following statement: 

“Deeply concerned about the civilian deaths and injuries that have occurred in the West Bank these past 48 hours, including that of minors. Praying for the families as they mourn the loss of loved ones, or tend to those injured.”  

After there was a general outcry over the ambassador’s obviously biased statement, which clearly placed the deaths of terrorists taken out by Israel’s military in a defensive military operation on an equal scale with the cold-blooded attack that left four innocent Israelis dead, he quickly changed his tune with a follow-up statement: 

“I condemn in the strongest terms the senseless murder of four innocent Israelis today—my heart is with their grieving family members.”

After initially showing his true sentiments in his first tweet, his follow-up appeared to be a desperate attempt to save face by not appearing to side with murdering terrorists. 

As a result of the attack, Israel’s government quickly announced the approval of 1,000 new homes to be built in the town of Eli, where two of the victims were from, and which was only several hundred meters from the scene of the attack. While this is undoubtedly a positive response to terrorism, it is unfortunate that Israel seems to only have the political gumption to approve new construction after such horrific tragedies.

The US State Department followed Ambassador Nide’s biased statements with an even stronger one of their own: 

“The United States condemns the terrorist attack against Israelis near Eli in the West Bank today. We express our deepest condolences to the families of those killed and wish the injured a speedy recovery.

We are also concerned about the continuation of violence in Israel and the West Bank in recent weeks that has killed and injured Palestinian and Israeli civilians. We will continue to work with Israel and the Palestinian Authority to promote steps towards de-escalation.”

Whilst attempting to appear noble by condemning the terrorist attack that left four Israelis dead, Foggy Bottom revealed their true colors by equating Israeli defensive measures that take out terrorists (and in which unfortunately civilians are occasionally caught in the cross-fire) and the deliberate targeting of Israeli civilians by Arab extremist terrorists. 

The equation is despicable. The violence against Jews in Israel must stop. We cannot tolerate it anymore. Even more so, we cannot tolerate the biased, anti-Israel statements that are constantly spewed forth by the US Administration. 

Luke Hilton

Originally from Virginia Beach, VA, Luke discovered his passion for Israel at age of 16. Since then, he's shared the story of Israel's restoration across the globe through speaking tours, films, and articles, inspiring Christian Zionists to stand in support of Israel.

Luke is based out of Israel, serves as Director of Marketing for HaYovel and is an author and show host for The Israel Guys.

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  • It’s apparent that woke has made it’s way to the ambassador’s sentiment or way of thinking and continues as an attempt to paint a false picture of the reality of life in Israel and particularly the West Bank.

  • US support will always be checkered while Hebrews in the US vote for Democrats.

    Some Republicans support Israel but rarely a Democrat.

    The world is now our neighborhood.

  • I am so sad to hear of these ongoing terror attacks in your beautiful country. The hate and evil is overwhelming and probably will continue until Jesus comes back to reign. I love Israel and someday hope to return. My prayers are with you.

  • Thank you for sharing the details with us so we might know fact from fiction. Could not be much more ashamed of the behavior of our country. I apologize. The Lord bless and keep you safe in His loving arms.

  • I hope they just keep building up these areas with Jewish homes and establishments. There is strength in numbers. I always pray for Israel, so if we have strength in praying and strength in numbers, we cannot lose.

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