Women’s Rights Only Apply if You’re Not Jewish

Women’s rights have been one of the primary focuses and debates among the majority of people in recent years. Women have had a long history of being treated as royals and as far from royalty as imaginable. In order to ensure that women are treated with kindness and respect, many have begun to wonder what that looks like. While the pinnacle of this debate seems to be focused on whether a woman’s place is in the workforce or the home, these concerns pale in comparison to the women’s rights that are currently being violated in Israel. If the citizens of the world truly care about women and the way they are treated, now is the time to speak up in the defense of the innocent women who have experienced atrocities beyond most people’s comprehension. If we have decided to take the stance to listen to, believe, and support women, then we cannot pick and choose which women to support or not support. We must support the unlistened to, unacknowledged women.

Does the UN Care About Women?

UN Resolution 1820 states that the UN: “recognizes sexual violence as a weapon and tactic of war; notes that rape and other forms of sexual violence can constitute a war crime, a crime against humanity, or a constitutive act with respect to genocide, stresses the need for the exclusion of sexual violence crimes from amnesty provisions in the context of conflict resolution processes and calls upon the member states to comply with their obligations for prosecuting persons responsible for such acts, to ensure that all victims of sexual violence, particularly women and girls, have equal protection under the law and equal access to justice, and stresses the importance of ending impunity for such acts as part of a comprehensive approach to seeking sustainable peace, justice, truth, and national reconciliation.”

This resolution is entirely necessary and something every person should agree on, however, the UN doesn’t appear to be applying it to Jewish victims nor to the horrors that Israeli women and children suffered at the hands of Hamas.

The measure of violence that was executed upon these innocent women is so sadistic that it is unimaginable that any human would be able to commit these deeds and horrifying enough to make any person who has even a slight moral compass tremble and feel sick to their stomach. These men raped multiple women and girls and according to the Times of Israel were given permission to rape a girl’s corpse. Israel Today shared information that some Gazans mutilated these innocent civilians to the point that it was difficult to tell whether they were male or female. 

The UN has released multiple articles noting the “dire” situation in the Gaza Strip directly inflicted by Israel but has made little mention of the recognized war crimes committed by the same people Israel has defended itself against. This, rightfully, has many Jewish women up in arms, but, sadly, it seems as though no one else is infuriated by this. The UN has the responsibility to uphold their own resolution even when it contradicts the narrative of which  they are attempting to convince the majorities. 

The women and children of Israel should have never suffered the atrocities and, even more so, it should not be implied that these crimes were justified due to the “Israeli occupation.” This willful condonement only further exploits the disregard for Jewish lives.

Does the World Actually Care About Women’s Safety?

If those who were attacked on October 7th, 2023, had been your mother, sister, or daughter, would you have wanted to hear that they “deserved” what had happened to them? Or would you have wanted the world to act on their behalf and impose justice upon the ones who had enacted these barbaric atrocities against them? The events that occurred on October 7th were not “acts of resistance,” they were acts of hatred, evil, and disregard for life. The beliefs of individuals regarding the “Israeli oppression” in the Gaza Strip should be completely irrelevant when referring to the crimes committed against the families and civilians in these innocent Israeli towns. No amount of “oppression” warrants the blatant war crimes enacted against the Jewish people during this dark day in history. No woman or child deserved a single one of the vile deeds that were inflicted upon them, and they should be defended and fought for on a world scale. If you truly believe that women should have rights, now is the time to stand up for that belief.

Peyton Chapman

Peyton Chapman is originally from Amarillo, TX. She works full-time for HaYovel and The Israel Guys as an article author, customer support representative, and in donor relations. Additionally, she serves in various operations on the ground in Israel as needed.

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  • All humans deserve rights. God doesn’t select religions, countries or genders. God loves everyone and so everyone has rights. To say they don’t they are operating on a evil dark platform and those evil dark individuals need to be contained or other means as they are not for humanity

    • here we go with some old fashion (but extremely meaningful) words : unless there is repentants and confession of sin, the perpetrators will experience a penalty exacting pain many times what they have dished out.

  • I agree. The animals who raped these women and girls should be held accountable for their actions. I can’t say they are men because true men would not do what they have done.


    • The United Nations needs to be disbanded if they cannot support the victimized innocent people that have been brutally murdered in Israel. There is no excuse for the carnage they used on innocent people. Then to say they were in support of the Arab when Hamas used innocent Palestinians as shields. Used innocent Palestinians as shields in schools, hospitals.Un believable,!!!!.

    • NO! Israel has a MORAL obligation, even in self defense, to NOT sink to the level of depravity and evil, which was inflicted upon their citizens! “Vengeance is Mine, saith the Lord, I will recompense!”. That’s a direct promise from Yhwh God, to all who belong to Him. It’s also an implied instruction: don’t take revenge into your own hands, leave that to Him. Indeed, those whom He commanded to chastise others, and went too far in so doing were also chastised for that, often in the OT (Torah) records. Jesus reinforced that idea when He commanded His followers to love their enemies.

      • Well put. Vengeance will come from God! We should not allow the seed of anger to fester in our hearts till we hate the people that have done this. Then we are no better than them. Evil will not win. God will exact his revenge. We must pray for our enemies to realize salvation from Jesus is available to them. He is their only hope.

  • Its so hard to understand the way men treat women in other countries. God loved all. The Bible teachers love not hate. I wonder how they treat their on daughters and wives?

  • My heart goes out to all God’s chosen people everywhere – i pray that His will be done and that He will bless Israel mightily.

  • Free will is a difficult concept to truly grasp, especially in the face of violence from others. As a survivor of childhood sexual abuse, I well understand the rage it engenders to be so violated by another. It only took me 6 decades to grasp free will. Right now,this moment in geopolitics, and the spiritual war driving them, Yhwh God is allowing sinful humanity to fill the cup of His wrath to its brim, so when He unleashes it on humanity,during the Great Tribulation, no e will have excuse, who are still her, because chastisement is based on the free will choices each has made up to that point. Neither can He intervene, even to protect an innocent from another’s evil choice, or to save the soul of the evil chooser, because to do that would obliterate all free will, and He will not do that, until the fullness of time, when His wrath against the sins, and unrepentant sinful, is released! Those who are considered “saved”, by virtue of freely having repented and sought His redemption, will be removed by Him before that wrath is unleashed, because their penalty is already covered (raptured into heaven). Our free will choices are important to Yhwh God, He doesn’t want ” bots” or slaves, but freely willing companions, and He loves each enough to not force Himself on any.

    • Yes, saved by repentance and Belief that Jesus has paid the price for their sin on the cross. Only then do they have forgiveness and eternal life.

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