One man visited the United Nations last week and made a speech. He referred to the creation of the only democracy in the Middle East as a “catastrophe”, even mentioning that this is the 73rd anniversary of that event. He spent his speech fabricating history and repeating lies. He tried to convince the UN that he and his people have always been a partner for peace, and the country they hate, are in fact the real problem. 

Another man made a speech at the United Nations this week. Unlike his predecessor from the week before, he spoke of the dangers of various terrorist organizations that surround his country. He spoke of how they are all funded, trained and backed by a country that is on the brink of nuclear capability. He finished by vowing to protect not only his country, but the free world from these murderous terrorist organizations, as well as the country that backs them. He vowed that this country that funds and trains terrorists would never reach nuclear capability.

In the meantime, the vice-president of the most powerful country in the world visited a university recently. While visiting with some of the students, a woman began speaking to her about how it hurt her heart that her country recently voted to continue providing aid in the form of security to their closest and strongest ally in the middle east. She accused this country in the middle east of committing genocide and ethnic cleansing. 

Instead of correcting the student and calling her out for accusing this country of committing genocide, the vice-president of the most powerful country in the world simply nodded and smiled along. She then affirmed this student by telling her that the most important thing was that she felt confident in her “truth”, and that she had the right to speak whatever truth she wanted. 

Have you figured out yet of what and of whom I am speaking about? 

Watch this week’s show on the Israel Guys to find out the rest of the story. 

Luke Hilton

Originally from Virginia Beach, VA, Luke discovered his passion for Israel at age of 16. Since then, he's shared the story of Israel's restoration across the globe through speaking tours, films, and articles, inspiring Christian Zionists to stand in support of Israel.

Luke is based out of Israel, serves as Director of Marketing for HaYovel and is an author and show host for The Israel Guys.

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