The U.S. is Now a Target of the Iranian Regime.

The world has been nervously awaiting an attack from Iran and its proxies whilst wondering when it will take place. In the meantime, a U.S. base was attacked by an Iranian proxy this week. Why was the U.S. attacked and what will this mean for the potential large scale war?

Rumors & Rockets Are Flying. 

Since Israel eliminated Fuad Shukr and Ismail Haniyeh, world leaders have been scrambling to discover how and when Iran and its proxies will retaliate. Iran has promised severe revenge against Israel, but has given no clear indications as to when this “severe punishment” will take place. This obscurity has resulted in many theories of what the upcoming attack will look like. Additional military support has been sent to the Middle East in preparation, but this scrambling seems to have led to some threats slipping through the cracks.

The theories of how Iran will attack have ranged far and wide; through an EMP, with countless Arab nation allies, or with thousands of aerial attacks (as compared to the approximately 350 missiles from when Iran attacked Israel in April). Even more prevalent, however, is the question of when the attack will occur? On August 2nd, it was believed the Iranian retaliation would take place within 72 hours. When that didn’t happen, some said that they would attack on Tisha B’Av (August 12-13), and others said it would take place the night of August 5th. No attacks on Israel have taken place as to date, but on Monday night this week, a U.S. base in Iraq was attacked by Iranian proxies. No fatalities have been reported but there have been at least five injured soldiers. Additional information is still forthcoming. 

One may ask why Iran would allow one of its proxies to attack one of the world’s leading powers, especially at a time like this. The answer may be simpler than you think. It could be related to the assassination of Ismail Haniyeh. Following Hanyeh’s death, Amir Saied Iravani, Iran’s Ambassador and Permanent Representative to the United Nations made this statement:

“The responsibility of the United States, as the strategic ally and main supporter of the Israeli regime in the region, cannot be overlooked in this horrific crime… This act could not have occurred without the authorization and intelligence support of the U.S.”

Iran, however, is not the only one promising accountability for the U.S. Harakat al-Nujaba in Iraq promised revenge against the U.S. for an entirely different incident. As this group also blames the U.S. for the deaths of Haniyeh and Shukr, it also added an emphasis on the American attack against the pro-Iranian militias in Iraq on July 30th, 2024. The group’s warning to Israel and the U.S. for these attacks is as follows:

“Israel and the United States have opened the gates of hell… assassinations will not deter us, they will only increase our determination.”

The threats Not Be Related At All 

This relatively small-scale attack may have nothing to do with the threats of revenge at all. Even though it appears to be isolated and random, the reality is that many attacks on U.S. troops are not reported. According to the Air and Space Forces Magazine, there have been over 180 attacks against American forces since the Israel-Hamas war began on October 7th. This poses a different question: why the silence, and does this indicate that the current conflict has been far larger than portrayed for some time now?  

It can be easy to theorize the size and magnitude of this conflict, whether it will continue to grow and, if it does, what the future holds for Israel, Iran, and the rest of the world. In the haze of every speculation however, the apparent truth is that Israel is potentially facing many more months of hardship, and more than ever, now is the time to continue praying for the peace and complete sovereignty of the land and people of Israel. As you steadfastly continue to pray, do not be dismayed because we know that the God who goes before Israel and fights for her, is mightier than every one of Israel’s adversaries.

Peyton Chapman

Peyton Chapman is originally from Amarillo, TX. She works full-time for HaYovel and The Israel Guys as an article author, customer support representative, and in donor relations. Additionally, she serves in various operations on the ground in Israel as needed.

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  • Israel should NOT wait for the murderous Iranians to attack but should launch an attack to cripple the Iranian terrorsts capability!

  • It’s aggravating and asinine that Iran keeps threatening to retaliate against Israel and the US, like we have offended them by starting a fight?? Did they not begin this awful war way back on Oct7 by funding an absolutely horrific attack on sleeping villages and youth at a rock concert?? Unarmed, elderly, infants, no one was spared. Such hate inspired atrocities!! And they are offended? Unbelievable!!

  • let them experience a new stone age , see how they like devastation ; preemptively !!!

  • Stand strong 💪 Israel 🇮🇱 God is on your side and so are
    the American people 🙌 ✨️ 🙏 💙 and Bibi don’t bend bowe nor break to foreign entities God’s got you covered

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