While continuing their full-scale military operation in the terrorist city of Jenin in Samaria, Israel has also begun to take incoming fire from the mainstream media and U.S. politicians for Palestinians killed in Jenin this week.

These range from accusations that a full-scale massacre is being committed in Jenin to a Congresswoman calling for the U.S. to cease all funding to the “apartheid nation of Israel”. Even with this criticism however, the IDF is determined to take care of business, doing whatever it takes to keep their nation safe. 

The big question is: what is actually true, which of the mainstream media pieces are fact, and which are lies?

Let’s take a look at the details.

IDF Launches Operation in Jenin

If you want the full break-down of what is currently happening in Jenin, an Arab city in northern Samaria that has historically been a hotbed of terrorism, make sure to watch Josiah’s show from yesterday. 

In the meantime, here’s a quick recap: the IDF launched a limited operation in Jenin, with a focus on rooting out terrorists and specifically taking out a command center that was being used to track Israeli security troop’s movements. 

Initially, the IDF planned for this to be a 24 hour operation, but due to heavy fighting from terrorist organizations inside Jenin, they have now extended the operation another 24 hours, and have even said that they may need to expand the mission to other cities in Samaria. 

The IDF has been planning this specific operation for the last ten days, and specifically waited until after the Muslim holiday of Eid al-Adha was over. Before entering the city, the IDF also put out a massive text message campaign to the residents of Jenin, warning civilians to evacuate the area. The IDF regularly warns civilians ahead of their operations, even though it has the potential to compromise their missions, especially since terrorists regularly use civilians’ homes, and hospitals and schools as human shields. 

In an update given by Israel, Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu said:

“the IDF last night launched an extensive operation against terrorist targets in Jenin. In recent months, Jenin has become a haven for terrorism – we are putting an end to it.”

“Our forces entered Jenin into the nests of terrorists – they eliminate terrorists, they arrest wanted persons, they destroy headquarters and seize many weapons, and they do another thing – they destroy laboratories on an almost industrial scale. Laboratories from which they made explosives and IEDs intended for the slaughter and murder of Israeli civilians. They are doing all of this in one of the densest places on earth, and they are doing it with minimal harm to civilians up to this moment, and no harm to those not involved, and this is the directive – to look after the security of our forces and also to avoid harming innocent people as much as possible,” 

Palestinian Killed in Israel’s Operation in Jenin

To date, there have been 8 Palestinian Arabs confirmed killed, with all of them being confirmed terrorists. The IDF has stated that they know of no civilians who have been killed, and emphasized that the goal of the mission is to eradicate terrorist nests and infrastructure in Jenin. 

While Israel and the IDF are so far hailing this strategic operation a success, and hope to wrap up the mission in less than 24 hours, the mainstream media, social media users, and politicians are touting lies and propaganda about what is really going on. 

Media Response to Palestinians Killed in Jenin Operation

The Washington Post ran an article entitled: Israeli forces launch major operation in West Bank city, killing at least 8. People who don’t know anything about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict may see a headline such as this, and ask questions, such as: 

  • Did Israel attack the Palestinians?
  • Did Israel kill eight civilians? 
  • Is Israel the aggressor in this conflict?

This article provided zero context, and failed to mention anything about terrorists, or even anything about the people who were killed in Jenin. 

A CNN article didn’t do much better, when a headline they ran said: Israeli forces launch biggest military operation in West Bank’s Jenin since 2002. If you read through the first paragraph of the article it says that Israel invaded Jenin, in the occupied West Bank, and killed at least ten Palestinians and wounded 100 others. 

It also stated that according to Duha Turkman, a 16-year-old resident of Jenin, locals were given two hours to evacuate. Speaking to CNN, Turkman said: 

“We ran out with people from the camp, so many children walked with their parents while terrified and crying, they didn’t understand what was happening to them and why,”

What this resident and CNN fail to emphasize is that the IDF actually warned the civilians to leave Jenin before entering, going to great lengths to minimize civilian casualties during the operation. 

Public Response to the Jenin Operation

A random tweet I came across said the following:

“Jenin is bleeding kids are being massacred in the streets, and ambulances blocked from getting to them. Palestinian lives are a tool to satisfy the fascist base of the government. Not because they’re a majority, but because the majority, including the opposition, are silent.”

While it is true that several of the Palestinians killed in Jenin were minors, ALL of those killed were armed terrorists who were attacking the IDF. 

Adin, an IDF soldier and Israel activist, tweeted:

“These will be reported today as innocent children who were brutally slaughtered by the IDF”

Unfortunately, US Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib Tweeted: 

“Israeli forces are now blocking ambulances from reaching the dozens of wounded Palestinians after at least eight people were killed in Jenin. Congress must stop funding this violent Israeli apartheid regime.”

First of all, the IDF doesn’t block humanitarian assistance, and does not make a practice of blocking ambulances. This tweet is probably a blatant lie, especially considering that it came from Rashida. Secondly, it is a known fact (and we have our own footage of this) that terrorists use ambulances to their own advantage, hiding and escaping in them. In many riots, people pretend to get injured, jump in an ambulance, drive around the corner, and get out again. The ambulances are simply part of the skit.

Yosef Hadad, an Arab-Israeli citizen who is also an officer in the IDF, tweeted:

“A simple decision that shows the difference between the Palestinian terrorists and the IDF soldiers. The launch of the operation was already decided 10 days ago, and it was carried out only yesterday because Israel wanted to wait until the end of Eid Al-Adha in order not to harm the holiday for the residents of Jenin. Which, by the way, is exactly the opposite of the Palestinian terrorists who go out mainly on Jewish holidays to carry out terrorist attacks.”

In conclusion, it is important to keep Israel, and especially the IDF in your prayers.

If you want to directly support Israel, especially the biblical heartland during these times, you can join our tree planting campaign by going to GreeningIsrael.com and sponsoring as many trees as you are able.

Luke Hilton

Originally from Virginia Beach, VA, Luke discovered his passion for Israel at age of 16. Since then, he's shared the story of Israel's restoration across the globe through speaking tours, films, and articles, inspiring Christian Zionists to stand in support of Israel.

Luke is based out of Israel, serves as Director of Marketing for HaYovel and is an author and show host for The Israel Guys.

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  • I am a Christian,truely not just a church goer.I am also 3%Jew.I read God’s word daily and my thoughts and prayers are with Israel and also you for being brave enough to write the truth.God bless you and your family

  • May God continue to bless the nation of Israel in the land that jehovah promised to Abraham thousands of years ago.
    Having been to that wonderful country and seen and heard of all the humanitarian aid that is given to their neighbours and friends I applaud them and stand in solidarity with them.
    Yours in Christ Alan Hughes.

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