The Invasion of Rafah Is The “Red Line” That Must Be Crossed

Recently President Biden drew a hard “red line” demanding that Israel halt its invasion of the southern Gaza city of Rafah, but Prime Minister Netanyahu voiced major opposition to these unrealistic demands. This was Israeli Prime Minister’s Netanyahu’s response to Biden:

“We’ll go there. We’re not going to leave them. You know, I have a red line. You know what the red line is? That October 7 doesn’t happen again. Never happens again.”

This opens the door to a challenge each person must face.

How Do We Decide What Our “Red Line” Is?

These two governing heads appear to be at odds regarding what each individual’s “red line” is. Biden has based his “red line” off of Hamas’ claimed number of Gazan fatalities, whilst Netanyahu’s appears to be coming from a place of preventing a repeat of one of the worst Jewish massacres in modern history. 

We all have “red lines” in our lives, but where are they drawn when it comes to Israel? Is it shown by avid support for Israel or by extreme criticism of Israel? Some additional context would be beneficial to the formation of an opinion. 

Calls for a cease-fire have not lessened in the last five months of fighting, but Netanyahu stands firm that, without a hostage release, there will be no pause in fighting. In addition to this, he has openly expressed his opposition to a two-state solution; both of these controversial stances have made him a highly criticized figure. Biden, on the other hand, has repeatedly called for a cease-fire and a stop in the fighting and has made himself a known advocate for a two-state solution. 

Netanyahu has made statements regarding each of his upcoming actions, like the one he made following the October 7th attack when he claimed that he intended to wipe out every Hamas entity, and he has followed through with that course of action since that day. Biden, on the other hand, has chosen a more underhanded approach by splitting his support in two by claiming to “support” Israel whilst criticizing Israel’s every decision, demanding that Israel follow America’s direction, and by sending exuberant amounts of aid into Gaza. This “aid” has been known to fall primarily into the hands of Hamas terrorists without reaching the civilians who actually need it. 

What Is Our “Red Line”?

Now that we have some context regarding the stances and actions of these two political heads, we have the information necessary to discern what and why we have the stances we do. If the US had been attacked in the same manner in which Israel was  on October 7th, would we not have supported the neutralization of the enemy who attacked us? Did we not support the neutralization of Osama Bin Laden and his adherents following September 11th, 2001? Furthermore, would we have listened to the criticisms of a country who claimed their support of the US, but funded al-Qaeda under the label of “humanitarian aid”? Nothing would have halted the mission of the US to take out this imminent threat, nor should anything halt Israel’s mission to dismantle Hamas. Why have the “red lines” of the US become so blurred? It can be nothing short of the ingrained antisemitism that seeps throughout America’s governing body. One could believe that the stark strife this government has with Israel comes from a similar mindset as the one that Netanyahu claims is the reason there is no peace with the Palestinians in this quote:

“They don’t understand that the reason we don’t have peace is not because the Palestinians don’t have a state, it’s because the Jews have a state. In fact, the Palestinians have not brought themselves to recognize and accept the Jewish state.”

The fight of the Jewish people to have a sovereign state is still warring today. Netanyahu, nor any of Israel, can be criticized for doing what is necessary to ensure the safety of their innocent civilians. Until it was Israel that chose to dismantle a recognized terrorist organization, this prospect was not considered controversial. We must establish that our “red line” is to support the neutralization of a known terrorist entity for the prevention of further attacks and massacres and ensure we are not affiliated with a “red line” that advances the schemes of the malicious barbarians who intend to continue their genocidal intentions against the Jewish people. It’s time to choose where your “red line” lies.

Peyton Chapman

Peyton Chapman is originally from Amarillo, TX. She works full-time for HaYovel and The Israel Guys as an article author, customer support representative, and in donor relations. Additionally, she serves in various operations on the ground in Israel as needed.

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  • You guys are fantastic and so correct in all of your analysis. Be safe and well. The world needs more of you.
    Thank you.

  • What a joke, Biden having a hard red line. The poor old soul doesn’t even know what day it is!

  • I believe with my whole being that we should be fully supporting Israel. All the terrorist groups are doing just what they claim. Terrorizing. But they will regret their blind avenging policies one day. I just hope it happens soon. For all our sakes worldwide.

  • Please God be with our brave courageous IDF and all defenders of Israel, to help them to destroy and demolish the satanic evil demonic HAMAS & HEZBOLLAH until they are no more. Fight on children if Israel. 🇮🇱 Restore peace in our belived Israel, once more. Amen

  • The guide form of this conflict miniated by Hamas, funded by Qatar and Iran leaves Israel no recourse, but to continue to eradicate Hamas. It is a shame that Israel does not have the available manpower to cleanse Gaza of Hamas without the Buster bombs which have caused so many Palestinians’ . I fear that the majority of hostages have be killed. Hamas saying that they were killed during the initial attack and their bodies back is a falsity. I also believe that the Hamas controlled red cross data on the Palestine people killed is way overestimated and also a ploy to win national support for a cease fire. However, the current President was paying Hamas $3million a month to keep the peace is also why he needs to be replaced. on cannot buy peace as we have seen.

  • May God continue you bless Israel and I will back you and support you to wipe Hamas from the face of this earth. I am a citizen of the US and I will never forsake my brothers and sisters in Israel and I am ashamed by the the comments of our president and majority leader in the senate and I assure you that I am not alone. These traitors in my opinion may try to abandon you but I can assure you that a HUGE majority of the American people stand beside you 100%.

  • The majority of older Americans overwhelmingly support Israel in the Gaza war but our fake news networks only cover the hateful antisemitism rallies. They try to make out that Americans do not support Israel but that just is not true.
    Genesis 12:3 says: I will bless those who bless you
    and I will curse him who curses you; And in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.
    That is what I believe and I support Israel!!!

  • I have never had less respect for a public figure than I do for Biden. He manages to screw up everything he touches. I fully support Israel and Netanyahu; Gaza deserves what it is getting for aiding and abetting Hamas!

  • No, you don’t stop fighting until everyone of our Israel people are brought home. No you do what you have to do to keep the evil out I was not born in Israel. I am not Israel, but my heart is there and I pray for Israel every night and I pray for the release of all the hostages and until they come home no you don’t stop fighting. as God goes before you keep the evil out.! You have to or they will only come back again I pray for your safety, but you have to keep fighting. You cannot give up the Israel people are counting on you.

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