One Year Since the Al-Aqsa Flood, Also Known as October 7th

This past Monday marked the one year anniversary of the October 7th attack on Israel. The day was marked by memorials, those in Israel visited grave sites, and we all thought back to that fateful day that changed countless lives forever.

In the past year, there have been numerous highs and lows, wins and devastating losses, but one thing that has remained constant since October 7th and the beginning of time is this:

The people of Israel live. The God of Israel lives. 

What Trials Did the Jewish People Face in the Past Year?

For many families, the past year has been filled with an undying longing for their loved ones who were murdered or who are still in captivity. 101 people are still being held hostage by Hamas and, tragically, many of them are assumed to be dead. On that calamitous day, 251 people were kidnapped and over 1,200 people were brutally and maliciously murdered. Since then, 728 Israeli soldiers and security officials have been killed while protecting the people of Israel (sadly this number grows with each new week of the war). 

Prior to this attempted genocide on Israel, the Jewish nation had been at odds over political disagreements. After the attack, the country was quickly united in the fight for their survival. 

In the last year, hardships have burdened the Jewish people almost constantly. Antisemitism has reached horrific highs, Israel is facing additional warfronts, the UN has entirely placed itself against Israel, the ICC has applied for arrest warrants for Israeli officials, and the Jewish nation has been accused of attempting genocide, causing a humanitarian crisis, and countless other baseless and horrific crimes. 

Even seemingly unshakeable alliances between Israel and nations such as the United States seem to have been damaged.

Despite the atrocities and hardships the Jewish people have faced in the last twelve months, good continues to overtake evil.

The Last Year Contained Incredible Highs

Oftentimes, tragedy ushers in astounding growth. This year proved that through hardship, the Jewish people have persevered and grown to new heights. These prove that Israel has once again begun to flourish. 

Since October 7th, Israel has been attacked by:

  • Hamas in Gaza
  • Hezbollah in Lebanon
  • IRGC in Iran
  • Houthis in Yemen
  • Islamic Resistance Group in Iraq

Each of these terrorist entities have faced extreme humiliation at the hands of Israel. 

Every Hamas leader has been eliminated, aside from Yahya Sinwar who continues to hide himself behind hostages inside tunnels. Hamas’s infrastructure in Gaza is completely in shambles.

Every Hezbollah leader has been eliminated, including Nasrallah’s successor (who was in Nasrallah’s position for less than a week). Israel has initiated a ground invasion of southern Lebanon to ensure that Hezbollah is driven from the region.

Both of Iran’s attacks have, not only, proven Israel’s military capabilities to be far more advanced than anyone could have imagined, but have not claimed the life of even one Jew. Instead, Iran has murdered two of the people they are supposedly “fighting for”.

The Houthis, whilst attempting to make themselves a main terrorist entity against Israel, have instead lost their primary point of Iranian weapon supply through an Israeli airstrike.

Iraq has had little impact on Israel and has, currently, had little repercussion for their attacks against the Jewish state. However, it can be assured that if Iraq becomes a large enough threat, Israel will ensure the threat is eliminated.

Not only has Israel been attacked by multiple terrorist entities, but Jewish people across the world have faced severe antisemitism. Some of the antisemitism they’ve encountered has caused bodily harm and in some cases, death.

Israel has Gained More than Military Victories

Israel has effectively learned to depend on its own resources. With less support from the United States than in previous years, Israel has had to resort to making military decisions that are the best for its people and citizens, despite international pressure.

Because of this isolation, the country has overcome countless obstacles and become more united than they have in decades. As Israel unified as a nation, these ties have caused them to flourish on an even deeper level. 

Since Tisha B’Av, the Jewish people have begun to express themselves more freely on the Temple Mount. To add emphasis, the prayer and prostration of the Jewish people on their holiest site is the freest they’ve been in millenia.  With this new development, one can only anticipate when the Jewish people will one day regain sovereignty on the Temple Mount. 

This indicates that, just as Hamas knew what cause they were killing for during the al-Aqsa Flood on October 7th, the Jewish people are now understanding what they are living and fighting for. Jewish people across the world are flocking to Israel, returning to their faith, and embracing prayer on the Temple Mount. 

What Will the Next Year Hold?

Tonight, the Jewish people will celebrate the holiest day of the year, Yom Kippur (the Day of Atonement). This is the day where a person can connect more closely to God than at any other time in the year. As the Jewish people repent and pray for the atonement of their sins, they will reminisce on the days when the high priest was able to offer a sacrifice on behalf of the entire people of Israel and enter into the Holy of Holies. During this fast that afflicts the soul, which lasts for 25 hours, the Jewish people will not be able to go to the Temple to worship freely. 

As the people of Israel mourn the loss of their friends, family, and soldiers following the attacks on October 7th, they also continue to mourn the loss of their holiest site. As the country enters into a new year following Rosh HaShanah, the Jewish people anticipate the return of the hostages, the return of their religious freedom, and the peace that will follow with the coming of the Moshiach. 

As the Jewish people pray for and receive forgiveness, we encourage each of you to participate in introspection along with them. Consider your own life, your support for or against the Jewish people, and your dedication to seeing the Moshiach come and dwell in the House of Prayer for all nations in Jerusalem.

As we enter into Yom Kippur and the year following the October 7th massacre, let us draw near to God and collectively pray that the Jewish people would experience more highs, fewer hardships, and more support than has ever been seen throughout history.

As mentioned earlier, one thing can be certain. Because of the God who goes before the people of Israel and fights for them, the people of Israel have and will continue to live no matter what the next year holds.

Peyton Chapman

Peyton Chapman is originally from Amarillo, TX. She works full-time for HaYovel and The Israel Guys as an article author, customer support representative, and in donor relations. Additionally, she serves in various operations on the ground in Israel as needed.

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  • God our King of Kings is with Israel and all Jews and Christians alike….. this war or sickness must end for all. The west brought this upon themselves and we are all paying the price…. support fry or Israel will never falter and with our King will prevail. 🙏🏻🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱❤️

  • Praise to the One and only Most High Elohim!
    Your love and mercies are forever and ever.
    May we come together from all over the world as one body in Your Spirit of Peace and Refreshment, giving You our complete adoration and gratefulness for Your Protection and Provision!

    We call to action for all of us to come together as Believers in Yeshua, our coming King, Lord, Judge, High Priest,
    to hear our cries for help. We pray You will prepare us for the coming challenging days ahead,

    trusting and clinging to You alone, for we know and believe in our hearts, our souls, our minds, and our muchness-strength,
    that You are our Love, our Bridegroom, our Redeemer, our Savior, our Joy, our Shalom, and there is none other –
    You are the Great I AM,
    Who answers our prayers.
    We long for Your Return to come quickly to do battle and win against all evil.
    We long for the return of all the hostages!

    You are Powerful – You are the force of Righteous, defeating all evil.

    We lift up our Voices singing To You our praises for You are our One and Only King, the Lion of Judah! The Prince of Peace!

    May You find us one body in Your Hand!

    May You find us faithful!

    May You give to us the fulfillment of Your Promises in these end of days as we cry out for Your help, Your Return, and Glorious Grace of Forgiveness for all of our sun and all of our shortcomings.

    We are grateful! How majestic is Your Name above all Names and greatly to be praised!

    In that Name, we humbly bow before You. Seeking Your Redemption!

    To You be all the Glory, all the Power, and honor! With grateful hearts.

    Your Bride awaiting Your Return. We stand in awe of You!

  • May our God, the Almighty, the Creator of heaven and earth continue to bless Israel and protect His land and His chosen from the enemy . Thank You Lord for the victories and miracles as we watch them take place each day. Continue to guide the cabinet and those making decisions . Protect all those brave soldiers and their commanders on the battlefield. May Your peace Lord reign over Jerusalem particularly this very special weekend -Yom Kippur .

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