Horrific Terror Attack in Israel Leaves Young Father Dead

Instead of celebrating with his wife and two young children, he was instead buried on what would have been his 32nd birthday. Meir Tamari was shot by terrorists from the ​​Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigade while driving home to his family in Northern Samaria on Wednesday, May 31st. At the risk of sounding like a broken record, I will say it again: he was murdered simply for being a Jew who dared to live in the land that was promised to him by God Himself. 

Meir Tamari was a father to two young daughters – Yahav, aged one and Alma, two and a half – as well as a husband to Tal, who will now be left to raise their young family alone. The couple had just finished building their home in the Jewish community of Hermesh, in Northern Samaria. 

While driving home, terrorists from the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigade approached Meir’s vehicle in an SUV, pulled up beside his car and opened fire with an M-16 rifle. Although shot, Meir managed to keep driving until he reached the entrance of his home town of Hermesh, where nearby security guards called for paramedics. Meir was flown by helicopter to a hospital in Hadera, but unfortunately succumbed to his wounds shortly after being shot.  

At this writing, the terrorists are still at large, and a large manhunt has been launched by the Israel Defence Forces. 

The family buried Meir in a cemetery in the nearby town of Shaked on Thursday, on what would have been Meir’s 32nd birthday. Eulogizing her husband at his graveside, his wife Tal said: 

“Today we were supposed to have a fun day with the children, to celebrate your birthday. Instead of congratulating you, we are here eulogizing you. This is a reality that does not make sense. It does not make sense that our sweet children will not get to see your light, to experience you more, grow with you and learn with you – your goodness and your giving. We were supposed to grow old together and have more children. To do so many things. Now I’m alone with them. I can only hope that I can instill your values in them. I promise they will know they had the most amazing father in the world.”

“Your light illuminated every part of my life, it was perfect thanks to you. Every conversation, every argument, every hug – everything was perfect. I didn’t get enough time with you, just not enough. I want to get up with you in the morning and go to bed with you at night until the end. That you come home from work and that we all hug together as a family. We are supposed to live in security and come home to the family. Any other reality is not acceptable.”

Although Meir’s death was a horrific tragedy, especially because he left behind such a young family and was killed in his prime of life, there was another twist that made it even more difficult. His step-father had to attend his funeral only two and a half years after burying his first wife, Esther, who was killed by terrorists in the same town where Meir was buried. 

Esther Horgan, age 52 and mother to six children, was murdered in December 2020 while jogging in the Shaked forest near her home in Tel Menashe, Samaria. Meir’s mother-in-law later married Binyamin Horgan, Esther’s widower. 

Samaria has experienced an unproportionate number of terrorist attacks in the last year – shootings, rock throwings, rammings, and more, and Samaria Regional Council Chairman Yossi Dagan is demanding that Israel’s government take action: 

“We cry out to the prime minister, the defense minister and other government ministers: This murder could have been prevented. Why did you close the checkpoints? Why didn’t you go on a military campaign against the Palestinian Terror Authority? We demand answers. Jewish blood cannot be forfeit…” 

All terror attacks in Israel are horrific and tragic. Some however, strike closer to home. When a young man in his prime of life is struck down simply for daring to live in his homeland, leaving behind a young wife and two very young children, our hearts can only grieve. Our resolve must also grow stronger, and must be carried over to action – pray, support financially, and most of all – come to Israel and show your support by putting your feet on the ground. 

Luke Hilton

Originally from Virginia Beach, VA, Luke discovered his passion for Israel at age of 16. Since then, he's shared the story of Israel's restoration across the globe through speaking tours, films, and articles, inspiring Christian Zionists to stand in support of Israel.

Luke is based out of Israel, serves as Director of Marketing for HaYovel and is an author and show host for The Israel Guys.

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    • CONDOLENCE, from Papua New Guinea.

      My Condolence to Meir Tamari’s family, for the dead of their father, husband to Tal and two young daughters – Yahav and Alma.
      I read the Eulogy of Tal, wife of the Late husband and my heart was really broken. Very sad to hear Horrific Terror Attack like this and left a Young family. 💔😭🙏

  • I hope the manhunt will result in dispatching many many palirats to their virgin goats! May the death of that man be redeemed!

  • Another senseless killing. My heart goes out to his wife and children. I am a widow myself so l know what it’s like to lose your husband but l was a lot older than that!

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