EXPOSING the Shadowy Dictatorship Country That is Behind Every Entity Currently Attacking Israel

Following the devastating attack against Israel on October 7th, 2023, the increasing hostility from Lebanon, and the lethal attack on Tel-Aviv by the Houthis last week, many are wondering how the current conflicts that Israel is facing could have escalated to this point. What most do not realize however, is that there is one country behind every single one of the enemies that Israel is currently facing: Iran. 

How does Iran fit into this picture? 

Iran’s history dates back millenia, but the country as we know it is more recent. Following the Islamic Revolution in 1979, Iran made a drastic switch from a Western, democratic country to a radicalized Islamic country. Under the ideology of Ayatollah Khomeini, Iran dismissed the concept of women’s rights and increased the reach of the IRGC, along with other dictatorial actions. This radical Islamic government then led to the capture of 66 U.S. citizens from the U.S. embassy in 1979. This ideology and vision continues to lead to dire consequences for numerous countries that Iran threatens, but especially for the future of Israel. 

Throughout the years, the ideology in Iran has changed and become more democratic, but the oppressive regime has regularly overtaken its more moderate leaders and has continually sent the country into a violent and tyrannical state. Within this tyranny, which has taken on various forms under multiple dictators, world leaders have held concerns over Iran’s continued attempts to produce nuclear weapons and have placed sanctions on Iran in an attempt to inhibit the production of these weapons of mass destruction. Many, however, hold steadfastly to the belief that Iran already has nuclear weapons in their arsenal that are ready to be utilized in the near future. 

This hostile regime is directly responsible for countless deaths of citizens abroad and in their own territory. In fact, to highlight the degree of their ruthlessness, Iran has the second highest rate of government killings in comparison to the population with the only nation that is higher being China. Iran is run with an inhumane government that cares more for the total destruction of western nations than it does for its own people.

What terrorism is Iran funding around the world? 

This terrorist regime funds and is home to an outrageous number of terrorist entities that can be viewed in full here, but the most notable of them are Hamas, Hezbollah, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, and the Houthis in Yemen. Each of these terrorist groups regularly attack Israel. 

  • Hamas has been violently attacking Israel for years, but on October 7th, 2023, they launched an attack that resulted in the massacre of more than 1,200 people and the kidnapping of more than 200. 
  • Hezbollah has been firing rockets into Israel very frequently since October 7th and appears to be close to a full-scale declaration of war.  
  • Palestinian Islamic Jihad has and continues to enact countless terrorist attacks against Israel, both from the Gaza Strip and in Judea and Samaria. 
  • The Houthis in Yemen have been attacking Israel for some time, but in recent months their name has become much more known to the western world. 

It is important to note that none of these countries have an end goal of a two-state solution for Israel and “Palestine”, despite their claims that their attacks are on behalf of the Palestinian people. Instead, they advocate for the complete demolition of Israel and for ongoing genocide against the Jews. 

Even Iran itself has taken their approach against Israel to new heights in recent months by not only continuing to fund countless terrorist organizations, but also by directly attacking Israel on April 13th, 2024. This was the first direct attack Iran has ever inflicted on Israel in history. These attacks also come with threats by these nations and entities and an overwhelming amount of international pressure on Israel to use Western tactics with Middle Eastern terrorists.

As Israel continues to dismantle Hamas, Hezbollah has threatened that they will not stop attacking Israel until the Jewish state leaves the Gaza Strip. Additionally, Iran has claimed that, if Israel and Hezbollah were to engage in a fully acknowledged war, they will “obliterate” Israel

The Houthis have recently ramped up their attacks against Israel by sending a suicide drone into Tel-Aviv which resulted in the death of one and nine others injured. Israel responded swiftly by conducting an airstrike in the area of Yemen’s Hodeidah Port, used by the Houthis to receive arms from Iran. Defense Minister Yoav Gallant made this statement when addressing the strike on the Houthis:

“The fire that is currently burning in Hodeidah, is seen across the Middle East and the significance is clear.” 

He also noted that the blood of Israelis has a price.

What does this mean for Israel and the U.S.?

It is well known that Iran and its proxies wish for the full destruction of Israel, but it is also commonly understood that if Iran were to destroy Israel, the U.S. would be its next target. This can be seen simply by viewing the slogans of its countless proxies that call for the destruction of Israel and the Jews and then for the destruction of America. Despite these very serious threats against Israel and its closest ally, the U.S. still only half-heartedly expresses support for Israel and only lightly denounces the threats from these terrorist organizations. This wavering allegiance leads to an emboldenment of terrorists’ actions and provides an indication that, if these entities were to increase their level of attacks against Israel, there would be little response from the United States. 

Iran shows no remorse for the countless deaths and tragedies it has inflicted on people groups and shows no indication of changing its hostile ways. It has also displayed that its many proxies have become pawns in a war for additional power and a stronger Islamic hold on the Middle East. Behind the many warfronts against Israel, Iran can be found responsible for funding and encouraging this relentless hatred and oppression against Israel. As the world continues to focus on the proxies, they fail to acknowledge that Iran represents the head of the snake, and if not stopped, they will continue their path of death and destruction of the western world as we know it. In order for this war to end, Iran must be held accountable and ultimately, stopped. If funds continue to pour into these terrorist entities, the war may pause, but will inevitably start again. Iran’s influence in this war must be acknowledged and addressed in order for any long-term resolutions to occur.

Peyton Chapman

Peyton Chapman is originally from Amarillo, TX. She works full-time for HaYovel and The Israel Guys as an article author, customer support representative, and in donor relations. Additionally, she serves in various operations on the ground in Israel as needed.

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  • Very true, Iran is the head of the octopus. It has tentacles everywhere. The West should get together and destroy this evil .💫

  • Israel and the jews are Jehovah God’s chosen people and as a result they will always dwell in the lands that the only one true God gave them. Many times down through history attempts have been made to eradicate them without success.
    God saith in the scriptures that nations who bless Israel he will bless. On the contrary those nations who curseth Israel he will curse them.
    It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the Almighty God.

  • I never understood how people can be so stupid. Honestly though! I grow to appreciate the Word of God more and more every day. I grew up watching this play out over, and over, and over. It never fails. During good times, “Who is Israel?” But as SOON as Israel retailiates? “KILL THEM ALL!” Then things would die down in the “news” and they’re back to, “Who is Israel?” It is anyone that does not believe the Word of God. We are in a time where that matters. It is truly good vs evil. If they didn’t know God before, they are probably depraved and just don’t see it yet. Getting them to see it now is extremely hard but not impossible. I believe there must be some hearts that did not fully reject God. It really is that obvious now! But! God TOLD us His plans, didn’t He?! I believe Russia will join against you yet too. Then it will line up with Ezekiel 38! Hallelujah! You never fight alone, Israel! And as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord! We stand with Israel and pray continually for God to bless you and keep you! 🙏🇮🇱🇨🇦❤️

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