The World Needs to Look Beyond Gaza 

The focal lens of the world is fixed on the evil entity of Hamas in Gaza. This tunnel vision has one extremely dangerous downfall; Hamas is not solely located in Gaza. Hamas’s reach spans far outside of the borders of Israel, but has an especially dense devotion instilled in its followers within Judea and Samaria (also known as the West Bank).

Myth: Hamas Is Not Operating in Judea and Samaria

As the Jihadist agenda of Hamas unfolds throughout the southern region of Israel and the Gaza Strip, the support of Hamas within Judea and Samaria has begun to skyrocket. While the terror group has initiated acts of terror against Israelis, the view of the Arab world has shifted to view Hamas as a group whose mission is the same as theirs: the death of the Jewish people. This newfound admiration is spurring many protests to take place in Arab villages throughout Judea and Samaria and has begun to challenge the current leadership, the Palestinian Authority. 

The Palestinian Authority does participate in acts of terror against the Jewish people, but not on the same scale as Hamas. This has led many Palestinans to feel disappointment in their governing body for their lack of large-scale action against the entirety of the Land of Israel.

This renewed and re-energized support for Hamas grew even more following the trade of Palestinian terrorists for Israeli hostages. This trade was a pivotal moment in morale boost for many of the Arabs in Judea, Samaria, and the Gaza Strip. With an entirely unequal scale, only 110 innocent Israelis were released from captivity while 180 convicted Palestinian terrorists were released from Israeli jails. The view held by many of the individuals living within the Arab villages is that Hamas was able to force the Israeli government’s hand into releasing known criminals who have already shown the intention of furthering the agenda of Hamas.

Why Is It Important to Pay Attention to Hamas Everywhere?

This steadily growing Jihadist support is an immense threat to every Jew in the land of Israel and every person who aligns themselves against the senseless murder of innocent Jews. As towns like Be’eri, Kerem Shalom, Nachal Oz, and numerous others were invaded on October 7th, 2023, the borders that were the defense from Gaza in southern Israel are nearly non-existent in Judea and Samaria. In the Biblical Heartland of Israel, the Jewish and Arab communities are scattered throughout the region with Arab communities slowly encroaching into the areas designated solely for Jews. The Jews daily experience Maccabean odds as they are outnumbered by the Arabs in this small expanse of land with only 500,000 Jews compared to 2 million Arabs. Even with these concerning numbers, the Jewish communities possess frighteningly scarce supplies; they lack the manpower necessary to defend the 200 Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria and with the manpower they do have, many of the security forces don’t have the very gear that is necessary for their protection and defense such as: helmets, protective vests, and even flashlights. 

If the Arabs (whose population is 400% the population of the Jews), in Judea and Samaria were to attempt an attack comparable to the one that Hamas conducted on October 7th, the outcome could be even more disastrous. 

The viewpoint of this region must begin to broaden to shed light on the reality of the situation in Israel. This war is not only being fought in the Gaza Strip, but also covers the entirety of the country. If this fact is not acknowledged, calamity could ensue. Despite the fact that Israel is taking heat for its intentions of dismantling every Hamas member and its government, this is the only solution to halting the vicious intentions that are permeating the minds of Arabs living inside the scope of Israel. Every Jihadist, genocidal person affiliated with Hamas must be addressed and managed in order to ensure the safety of every person in Israel. These maniacal criminals will murder any individual who they deem suspicious: Jew, Arab, Christian, Atheist, or otherwise. This group has no intention of sparing or saving lives, but only of domination. It is time for the world to realize the entire area that this hostility encompasses.

Peyton Chapman

Peyton Chapman is originally from Amarillo, TX. She works full-time for HaYovel and The Israel Guys as an article author, customer support representative, and in donor relations. Additionally, she serves in various operations on the ground in Israel as needed.

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  • I stand behind Israel. I will not give in. I am a Christian who .loves God and loved His people.I
    May God bless Israel

  • It is past time for Netanyahu to arm ALL the Israeli people. Stop with the foolishness that his political and military people tell him. The evil in Hamas is not over yet.
    They will strike again once the corrupt president of the US sends them more ‘humanitarian aid.’ These animals cannot be trusted!

    • Dear world.
      You never defend jews.
      When they were persecuted and murdered you didn’t care and look to the other side.
      Today, don’t stand in our way when we defend our elders, woman , children , little girls against torchering, raping , burning alive and killing by an organisation of brainless animals called hamas.

      • I am 65 years young and my dad was a minister and his dad and his dad. My dad has/was a supporter of ISRAEL 🇮🇱!! My dad said when Israel became a state that was prophecy fulfilled!! I lost a brother in Germany in 1957 and I was born in 1958. So I never got to meet my brother! My family has always been for Israel 🇮🇱 and that will never change!! I cut my teeth on the church benches and every one of them backed Israel 🇺🇸🇮🇱!! I apologize for the reprobates in this country that is on their way HELL and others that have no spine!! I have been blessed out over me being a Christian/Zionist by a Jew and I broke down and cried… I said NO MATTER WHAT YOU SAY I WILL STAND BESIDE,BEHIND AND BEFORE YOU!! She started crying and ran off. Israel is the apple of Gods eye!! I/WE WILL NOT GIVE UP OR TURN AROUND BECAUSE I AM A SOLDIER MARCHING HEAVEN BOUND!!! GOD BLESS ISRAEL AND HELP AMERICANS TO WAKE UP AND STAND THERFORE!!!

  • The only good thing that has come out of 7/10 is all of the corruption and deceit that has been exposed. The big lie about
    it being Palestinian Land is the worst. These people never owned the land if Israel. They just came and settled in the land when Herod disposed of the Jews from THEIR land. I could go on about other issues but l will leave that for another day.

    • Also in modern times there was never a
      palestinian state! The term “Palestinians” was only created in 1964! 1964 was before the 6 day war when Israel liberated Judea and Samaria. So nothing to do with “territories”! Just Jew hate. but be aware, after the Jews it is term of the Christians. You all are “infidels” . Jihadism has to be eliminated all over the Western world or they will take over! No jokes! France and Belgium are already in danger and Britain has given in to many of their requests. Stop now or it will be too late. Jews never never were a danger to anyone, rater they were a benefit to all the countries where they lived.

  • Also in modern times there was never a
    palestinian state! The term “Palestinians” was only created in 1964! 1964 was before the 6 day war when Israel liberated Judea and Samaria. So nothing to do with “territories”! Just Jew hate. but be aware, after the Jews it is term of the Christians. You all are “infidels” . Jihadism has to be eliminated all over the Western world or they will take over! No jokes! France and Belgium are already in danger and Britain has given in to many of their requests. Stop now or it will be too late. Jews never never were a danger to anyone, rater they were a benefit to all the countries where they lived.

  • Also in modern times there was never a
    palestinian state! The term “Palestinians” was only created in 1964! 1964 was before the 6 day war when Israel liberated Judea and Samaria. So nothing to do with “territories”! Just Jew hate. but be aware, after the Jews it is term of the Christians. You all are “infidels” . Jihadism has to be eliminated all over the Western world or they will take over! No jokes! France and Belgium are already in danger and Britain has given in to many of their requests. Stop now or it will be too late. Jews never never were a danger to anyone, rater they were a benefit to all the countries where they lived.

  • Israel return to your God Yesha and my God Adonai for only by Him through Him and with Him is Salvation if clay jars and candles is all you have turn to Him trust and ask how He can use clay pots and candles he did it before He is still the YHVH that He has always been, I on my part will continue to pray He gives wisdom and peace to His people Israel, who will stand for all time nothing will defeat or take Israel from the Land the Most High has given to the Jewish people He said I believe it. A

  • Israel may ask INDIA if they wish to sell the some INSAS rifles since they have purchased initially 70,000 AK203’s from Russia. The USA holding up the sale of AR’s to Israeli Settlers is clearly dirty pool.

    Please what is the deal with Israeli “Settlers” It is often said without supporting evidence so far, that unresolved injustices are out there as I have not found evidence of such.

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