You’ll never believe what Israel’s military just uncovered in Gaza City! Deep beneath UNRWA’s headquarters building, a massive Hamas tunnel was found. What was inside the tunnel however, was deeply incriminating for the organization that claims to simply be a humanitarian group who is dedicated to caring for Palestinian refugees in Gaza.

What did the IDF find? Electricity run from UNRWA’s building to the tunnel!

Israel then raided the UN building and found weapons, ammunition, explosives and intelligence assets proving that Hamas was using it as one of their offices.

And guess what? UNRWA has denied having any idea that their headquarters provided Hamas with electricity and that Hamas’ weapons were inside their building. All of the details coming up on today’s show.

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Luke Hilton

Originally from Virginia Beach, VA, Luke discovered his passion for Israel at age of 16. Since then, he's shared the story of Israel's restoration across the globe through speaking tours, films, and articles, inspiring Christian Zionists to stand in support of Israel.

Luke is based out of Israel, serves as Director of Marketing for HaYovel and is an author and show host for The Israel Guys.

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