Today marks one year since the fateful massacre on October 7th, 2023. One year later, there are still troops working to eradicate Hamas, as well as fighting Israel’s enemies on multiple other fronts. As we remember this fateful day, and vow to never let it happen again, we must also consider this question: how did this horrific and barbaric attack happen? Who is to blame?

If you think that an Israeli intelligence failure is solely to blame, you would be a far cry from the truth. The reason for the October 7th attack goes back much further than 2023. In fact, it goes back decades, and involves international bodies, many of them historically considered Israel’s allies. Did the world incentivize Hamas, Hezbollah, or Iran and Yemen in the years leading up to October 7th, 2023?

Watch this special, investigative film about the October 7th massacre, what happened, who is really to blame, and how we move forward. We must never forget, and never allow such an atrocity to happen again.

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  • Einstein once made the comment that his definition of insanity was repeating the same mistake over and over again!
    For decades through the UN we have seen peace deal after peace deal fail and fail again!
    I so hope Iran will be reborn! With a Monarchy under the current crown prince Raza and a Westminster style government beneath him.
    And l hope the Iranian people realise their current religious leaders aren’t doing the peoples will under Allah. But rather have been very cleverly seduced by Iblis!
    We all as World citizens deserve to be Safe and live in Peace!

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