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Israel’s Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu and his wife touched down in Washington this morning after a pre-scheduled invitation to meet with Joe Biden and speak to Congress. But, no one was there to greet him other than the ambassador. It seems like in the midst of the political chaos in Washington right now, the White House kind of forgot he was coming. Is anyone actually running anything in the White House right now? Also China just brokered a surprise deal between Hamas and the Palestinian Authority. This is a crazy news cycle so hold on.

Ben breaks it all down for you here on the show.

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Ben Hilton

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  • I ask forgiveness on behalf of the American people for the treatment of Prime Minister Netanyahu upon his arrival in the United States Our government has been toppled. We are now being run by communists who do NOT represent us. The majority of our people still love and support Israel. We offer our prayers for the safety of the Israeli people and ask that you pray for us as well.

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