How were the silver trumpets used? Why is complaining such an awful sin? Why 70 elders? In what way did Miriam and Aaron sin? In...
Playlist - The Heartland Connection
How did the 10 spies lose faith? Why was the punishment so severe? What was it that made their repentance unacceptable? In this...
Are Zionist Jews today’s Moses and anti-Israel Christians today’s Korachs? What are the dangers of complaining? How...
Why did the heifer need to be red? What was Moses’s mistake at the rock? Was the bronze snake an idol? In this program, the Torah...
How can the wicked, selfish, greedy, false prophet Balaam talk with God as if he were Moses? Balaam ended up blessing Israel, so...
What is a “covenant of peace”? Why were the daughters of Zelophehad given an inheritance? Did the priests work on...
Are vows different than oaths? Why are there different rules for women? Is vengeance ok? What was Moshe’s correction to the...
Why did Moses list the journeys of Israel? Why is settling the land the most important commandment? Are the borders outlined here...
How did Moses go from being “slow of speech” to giving one of the most important and lengthy sermons in history? Why...
What is the Ninth of Av? What are the customs of Tisha B’Av? Is the Temple important for us? What will the third Temple be...
Why was Moses kept from entering the Promised Land? What does “you shall not add or take away” mean? Are the...
Are God’s blessings dependent upon our obedience? Why does God define “blessed” as having children? What does it...
Why Mount Gerizim and Mount Ebal? Did God need to choose a specific city? What causes there to be so much joy during the biblical...
Who are these judges and officers? Is setting a King over Israel a good thing? How do prophets fulfill the desire for spiritual...
How should Israel relate to the nations? How should godly men and women interact? In this program, the Torah portion comes to life...
What is the purpose of the first fruits offering? Why is Israel supreme over the other nations? Why would God curse? In this...
Is it a bad thing to “follow your heart”? What is repentance? How can we have the Torah in our mouth and in our heart...
What are the special customs of Rosh HaShanah? Why Rosh HaShana instead of Yom Teruah? What is the purpose of the blasting...
What is Yom Kippur – the Day of Atonement? What are the customs for this holy day? How is fasting connected with atonement...
What was Moshe communicating when he charged the Israelites to “be strong and courageous”? Why did God tell Moses, and...