A Jew Born in Bethlehem

Can you imagine a Jew entering Bethlehem today? Under control of the Palestinian Authority since the Oslo Accords, it is now illegal for a Jew to do so. Jews and tourists who have been mistaken as Jews have been assaulted by lynch mobs. The UN, Russia, China, most Muslim States, and even the US would condemn a Jew who tries to enter this territory. Yet this was the place that 2.5 billion Christians just celebrated as the birthplace of a Jew – 2023 years ago. 

Unfortunately, this basic fact – that Jesus was a Jew from Judea – has been attacked over and over again, firstly by *Palestinianists and now increasingly by some left-wingers, both to split the Judeo-Christian alliance. Now, they say, Jesus was a Palestinian from the “West Bank”. 

The first results on Google of the question “is Jesus a Zionist” all attack the very notion. Zionism, they say, is antithetical to Jesus. But Jesus was a practicing Jew all his life. A Jew who understood the truth, as central to Judeo-Christian Civilization as secular ethics, that G-d gave the land of Israel to the Jewish people forever. He was a Jew who fought for the freedom of Jews to be Jews – anywhere and everywhere in the land of Israel. 

The idea that Jesus was a Palestinian is hilariously ridiculous from a historical perspective. The word “Palestinian” (an originally Roman word unpronounceable in Arabic) was only used to describe the territory about 150 years after Jesus’s life, when the Romans renamed the province following the massive Bar Kokhba revolt against Roman rule. Furthermore, most of the modern uses of the word “Palestinian” refer to the concept of an Arab-Palestinian national identity. This was popularized in the 1960’s by the KGB and the Arab League, but even the national charter of the organization they created to pursue Palestinian nationalism – the PLO – states they are part of one “Inseparable Part of the Arab Nation.” Hamas, likewise and ironically, wants a global Islamist Caliphate, and rejects the concept of Palestinian Nationalism. The idea is a tool used by “Palestinians” and their supporters to make them seem like the underdog against Israel, and representative of much larger and more sinister forces (whether that was Arab Pan-Nationalists and the authoritarian Soviet Superpower in the 1960’s or Islamic Jihadists today.)

Hamas and other Palestinianist terror groups (and those who justify them) in are, much like the Roman Empire of old, part of an empire antithetical to Judeo-Christian values (theirs emanating out of Arab anger at a Jewish state and Iranian, Turkish and Qatari money that corrupts the globe.) And there is nothing more against the teachings of both Judaism and Christianity than the genocidal acts of mass murder perpetrated by the October 7th invasion of the State of Israel, and the Anti-Semitism which has swept the world since. Rejecting the obviously orwellian lie of Jesus as a Palestinian is important – for both Jews and Christians alike. It becomes harder than ever as the propaganda in the West increases, but as Jews and Christians, we must have faith. Faith that, if we keep to the truth, G-d will redeem us from the “house of slavery” which shackles the world using, amongst other tools, the lie of an ancient Palestinian-Arab people. 

Addendum: To all the idiots – most notably AOC – who think there are Jewish Palestinian Arabs: You aren’t Christian or Jewish, so stop pretending you care about this as anything other than a way to attack Jews. As for the claim: It’s utter bunk. Modern day “Palestinians” are Arab-Muslims, not Jews. If you can’t understand an Ashkenazi Jew you scream at for being a “colonizer” is deeply embedded in the land, but “Palestinians” are a people descended religiously, culturally, and in most cases literally from Arabia, you are crazy. 

*A cult-like ideology which views all of Israel as “occupied” from an Arab Palestinian people which in reality didn’t exist until after the founding of Israel. 

JS Weiss

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