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The battle for truth, faith, and freedom is unfolding right now in Israel. The Temple Mount remains at the center of this struggle—where Jews and Christians still face restrictions at their holiest site. In this episode, we break down why Israel is the only undeniable proof of the Bible’s truth, the shifting status quo on the Temple Mount, and why Jewish strength is essential for the future of the nation.

Plus, with the Middle East crumbling, what does this mean for Israel’s sovereignty over Jerusalem, Judea, and Samaria?

The Israel Guys Team

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  • “What’s happening next?” Psalm 83 is a prophecy very relevant to the present. A confederacy of ten enemies, whose ancient territories can easily be identified on a present-day map, have a common aim of cutting off Israel from being a nation (4-8). The concluding verses (13-18) are an appeal to God to make the enemy perish, with the outcome of the Most High over all the earth. Is this the crisis that makes Israel turn to God alone for deliverance, as Ari expects to happen (in a previous video)? The main topic of latter-day prophecy is Israel against its Islamic neighbours. Joel 3:9 refers to their holy war (jihad). Obadiah 17-21, Isaiah 63:1-6, Ezekiel 35 & 36, and many other passages are about what is unfolding.

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