In episode two of this four-part series, the five hosts at The Israel Guys take you to an off-the-beaten path, exclusive location inside northern Samaria (falsely known as the West Bank).
You’ll discover just how tiny Israel would become if a Palestinian state were established. You’ll be shocked to watch the already tiny nation of Israel shrink before your eyes if Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria were given away.
Afterwards, the team travels to the northern tip of Samaria where you’ll discover just how close a Palestinian state would be to many well-known spots in Israel.
Can you guess how far from this spot Mt. Hermon, Caesarea, the Sea of Galilee, or Bet She’an would be?
While skepticism about the feasibility of the two-state solution is growing in Israel and amongst clear-headed thinkers around the world, we’ll let you watch today’s episode and decide what you think for yourself.
Be sure to post your opinion in the comment section!
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