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After last week’s historic presidential debate, and the US presidential elections a little more than four months away, much of the world’s focus has turned towards two individuals – Joe Biden and Donald Trump. For those of us who are American, and who are Israel supporters, you may be interested to know where these two individuals stand on their policies toward the world’s only Jewish state.

Today we’re going to take a look at both of these US presidents’ records when it comes to support for Israel, including their past, recent terms while in office, and what we can expect from the man who will occupy the White House in January 2025.

You may be surprised at some of the details you’re about to hear.

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Luke Hilton

Originally from Virginia Beach, VA, Luke discovered his passion for Israel at age of 16. Since then, he's shared the story of Israel's restoration across the globe through speaking tours, films, and articles, inspiring Christian Zionists to stand in support of Israel.

Luke is based out of Israel, serves as Director of Marketing for HaYovel and is an author and show host for The Israel Guys.

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