A humanitarian aid drop in Gaza resulted in the deaths of five Palestinians, yet it seems to have passed without much notice. While other militaries’ accidental killings of Palestinian civilians may not stir much reaction, when Israel is involved, it is often labeled as genocide.

Joe Biden has warned that if Israel proceeds with an operation in the last Hamas stronghold in Gaza, they will cross a ‘red line.’ Meanwhile, the US is dispatching a military ship to the Mediterranean to deliver aid to Gaza, raising questions about Hamas’s intentions for Ramadan.

Tune in for more on today’s show!

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Josiah Hilton

Josiah Hilton is a native of Virginia Beach. He works full time in the Marketing Department for HaYovel and The Israel Guys as a Brand and Content Developer and Email Administrator. He is also a host for The Israel Guys Daily podcast.

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  • Deuteronomy 23:23 That which has gone from your lips you shall keep and perform, for you voluntarily vowed to the Lord your God you have promised with your mouth. I have communicated before that if you are not going to be able to provide content every day as you promise at the end of every video, “We are here every day Monday through Friday with your direct connection to the land and people of Israel.” Then quit saying that. My wife and I check in every day. The most recent content on your web page is three days old. We check in, because we are hoping , praying , and believing that God will do a miraculous intervention for Israel regarding victory in the war and rescue of the remaining hostages. You have been one of our go to sites. But recently, you have not been able to provide content in your familiar format, and sometimes no content at all. I get that the Israel Guys need to do what will broaden and support your ability to reach more viewers. I’m not trying to be legalistic, critical, or judgmental, I’m just saying if, for whatever reason, you can’t provide content Monday through Friday consistently, perhaps you should not be promising you will. Thanks for your consideration.

    • Hello Gary,

      Thank you for reaching out. We appreciate your understanding and patience regarding our content release schedule. Occasionally, circumstances arise that may disrupt our usual cadence of new content every weekday, Monday through Friday.

      For instance, this week, our team was traveling between the USA and Israel for an event, which understandably threw a bit of a curveball into our publishing rhythm. Nevertheless, we did our best to keep the content coming despite our travels. You’ll be glad to know that we managed to release new shows on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, with another one coming out today!

      Of course, there are various other factors that can also influence our release schedule. From team members taking some well-deserved time off for personal or family reasons to full-day film shoots for upcoming adventure shows or documentaries, there’s always something keeping us on our toes.

      Regarding our sign-off line, “we’ll be back every day Monday through Friday with your direct connection to the land and people of Israel,” it’s our way of setting a general expectation for our viewers, particularly those tuning in for the first time. If our content required a membership or subscription fee, we would empathize with any frustration stemming from unmet expectations. However, it’s important to note that all our content is provided free of charge. Our closing sign-off line is not a vow or commitment before God that we will unfailingly maintain a certain posting schedule, especially considering that days where we skipped publishing a show are often because we are engaged in traveling, hosting events or speaking about Israel around the world.

      Your continued support means the world to us as we work to bring you engaging and informative content straight from the heart of Israel.

      The Israel Guys Team

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