Author - Zac Waller

Do Christians Need Israel?

Over the last century, the land and people of Israel have experienced one of the most dramatic and miraculous resurgences ever seen in the history of the world. Many Christians are recognizing this obvious fulfillment of biblical prophecy and are...

Lech Lecha – A Kingdom is Born

Why is Israel the chosen land and Abraham’s descendants the chosen people? Was it necessary for God to choose? How will the nations be blessed by this great, chosen nation? Is it ok for Gentiles to circumcise? In this program, the Torah portion...

Bereshit – Creation, Shabbat & Marriage!

Why do we have a creation account? What exactly are we supposed to do on the sabbath? Is marriage important for everyone? In this program, the Torah portion comes to life in very practical ways as Christian Zionist, Zac Waller and Orthodox Rabbi...

True Happiness is Found in the Feast of Ingathering

Sukkot is commonly known as “Z’man Simchateinu” – “Season Of Our Joy.” This title was given by the sages of Israel based on Leviticus 23:40 and Deuteronomy 16:14-15, where God commands Israel to rejoice during the feast of Tabernacles...

Atonement that Brings Vision

Atonement is an incredible gift from God. The fact that the Almighty Creator of the universe would look down on one of the millions of individuals in the world, hear their cry of repentance and forgive their sin is astounding! As we approach the...

Feast – The Cure for the Famine

The biblical Feast of Trumpets/Rosh HaShanah is fast approaching. It is customary to greet one another with “Shana tova u’metuka,” “Have a good and sweet year.” “Sweet” is certainly not the word that comes to mind as we look back over the previous...

God Gives Hope in Crisis

Worldwide epidemics are scary. Thousands are dead, hundreds more are being infected, and it seems that this could be just the beginning. It’s no wonder many are panicking, hoarding and hunkering down. But what about God? Is He just watching His...

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