Author - Ben Hilton

Nobody Seems to Know What Just Happened in Gaza

Something crazy happened in Gaza yesterday, and the world is losing its collective mind. Here’s how almost everybody is getting the story wrong, along with a tragic terror attack that happened in Gaza yesterday. Ben breaks it all down for you here...

Joe Biden’s Plan for a Post-Hamas Gaza Strip

The Biden administration has been quietly laying the groundwork for a post war Gaza, and you know who else is preparing? Mahmoud Abbas, dictator of the Palestinian Authority. We go over his plan to take over the Gaza strip post Hamas, along with an...

South Africa Accuses Israel of Apartheid

The Resolution  This week the South African government voted on a resolution to downgrade their embassy in Israel as a symbolic message of their criticism of Israel’s history. Why? Take a look at this quote from the bill: “The state of Israel...

Status Quo

The headlines were bold and startling last week: “Israel makes peace with the United Arab Emirates!” This was really interesting for a number of reasons, including the fact that this is only the third peace deal Israel had successfully made with an...

Does Jesus Love the Temple?

This week marks the beginning of a three week period of mourning in the Jewish community over the destruction of the Jerusalem Temple in 70 CE. Even though this time of mourning has been common in the Jewish community ever since the Temple’s...

Religious Freedom in God’s House

Several weeks ago as the coronavirus was sweeping the world, something concerning was happening in regard to religious freedom in the United States. Governors had, in the name of protecting us from infection, ordered mass lockdowns and quarantines...

Was Independence Worth the Risk?

“The land of Israel was the birthplace of the Jewish people. Here their spiritual, religious and political identity was shaped. Here they first attended statehood, created cultural values of national and universal significance and gave to the world...

The Fifth Cup of Passover

It’s that time of year again. The time when the Jewish people (and some of us, as well) clean out their cabinets and refrigerators in anticipation of the quickly approaching feast of Passover.  Passover reminds us of so much – the Exodus...

Don’t Touch the Apple of God’s Eye

A spreading virus, stock market drops, toilet paper panic, it’s all the talk these days. It seems we can’t get away from the coronavirus conversations, no matter where we turn.  I’m sure you are hoping I will take that introduction as a segway...

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